I'm Confused...

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I'm confused... Maybe you can help me. 
I'll tell you the story. But you have to promise me, you won't tell anyone else. 
For all intensive purposes, it starts here:

"Let's go!" a quick, and excited voice blared into my ears. The bell rang, and we picked up our bags and prepared to run. 
"Wait, I have to pee," said, Nathan, one of my friends. And a great one. He's at least 5'4", and stands upright from what I can see. He's not on the skinny side; in fact, he's not skinny at all. He's a giant teddy bear and looks like King Dedede for reference.  
"Well easy; You and Shane go to the bathroom, I'll get Jason, fill him in, and I'll meet you guys at the bike racks," I said, confidently. 
And it was so. My 2 friends darted into the inescapable void known as Highschool hallways, and I took the back door out of my science class; a medium sized room that smells like lizard and lonely teacher. 

I slowly walk as I leave. Trying to create time for my friend to catch up. I turn around, and there he is in the distance; a skinny, white, mop-head, hunched over slightly like a turtle, oddly jogging trying to catch up to me. He's always been good at that. If we were ever to race, he insists on jogging rather than going full speed. Endurance, he claims, is what he'll beat me with. And that's true in normal circumstances. However, if I decide to use all of myself, and push past my limits, stamina is not in my dictionary. I'll run as fast as I want, for as long as I want. But god help me when I stop. Once I do, it's like I suddenly have a huge debt to pay my body, and it for some reason, now has a huge vendetta against me. 

He runs up to me with his large bag, which for some reason, feels really light when placed on your back; like he was blessed with some bag from the heavens. 
"Hey, Nathan had to take a piss. Shane should be with him." I say.
"Well, alright. Shaun should also be coming." Jason said. 

Shaun. A man I could never pull myself to hate. He's Hispanic in looks, but his speech is something I'm unable to describe. Something about him is very soothing though, I'll admit that. And he's a great friend; I've only known him for a little period of time, but in that time, I've really started to like him.
As we walked closer, I could see Shaun walking in the distance. Jason called out to him, but he wasn't heard by Shaun. So I call out. 
"Hey, Shaun!", and he instantly turns. A smile lights up on his face. Something about that. There's nothing like seeing a friendly smile to your presence. 

He stands there and waits for us to catch up. 
"Hey, Shaun!" I say. He replies with his normal, enthusiastic greeting. 

As we walk, I notice Nathan trying to catch up to us from behind. 
"Heyo Nathan!" I call out.

He then smiles and calms down when he catches up. 
"Where's Shane?" I ask.
"I don't know. He went in the direction of the buses" which would be far to the left from the bike racks.

"Is he coming?" I ask.
"I don't know."
"Well you guys, take my bag and wait at the bike racks. If he doesn't show up when I come back, we'll ditch him." Jason declares. He's always been like that; the demi-leader; I can't say we've ever had a leader in our small party, but if we ever have, he's probably the closest thing to it. 

"Where are you going?"
"I have a dollar, so I'm gonna go to the vending machines; buy me a soda," he says.

We all accept this; I had a little harder of a time doing so since he still owes me a dollar from the last time I bought him a soda, but I say nothing. There's nothing worse than going through the day with a plan in your mind, and then realizing you can't do that plan. I wouldn't want to ruin that for him.

And as he left. We waited near the grassy section, next to a little intersection that was in the middle between the exit for the buses and the entrance for the parent drop-off's and divided the band room from the ugly road. 
I had a great idea; Lately, I had picked up a bad habit again; wall jumping. You basically run towards the wall and run up it, then push yourself off with any leftover energy that wasn't used up by defying gravity. 

So I did it. Then Shaun did it. Even Nathan gave it a try. Although, the poor guy couldn't even get his leg on the wall. 
We repeated this for a little bit to use up the time Jason was gone. And while doing so, Shane showed up; I thought for sure, he wasn't going as his mom doesn't trust him too much and throws a whole fit when he goes anywhere else other than school. Trust issues, or something like that. 
But here he was; the man, the myth, the legend, approaching toward us with a smile brighter than the sun. A rare opportunity for him had finally been grasped. Nothing like it. It's like playing Pokemon and running across a shiny... If the shinies were distributed based on the trust between the player and the game in tandem with how well your Pokemon perform in battle. 

And then a couple minutes later, there in the distance, is Jason walking back to us. The whole gang was together.
Well, that's not completely true. Corey wasn't there, and neither was Dylan, although none of us really missed Dylan. He smelled like grease, was always sweaty, and is a major bitch to be around. 
But regardless, we felt complete for the day, and that's all that matters. 

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