Making this Right...

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Jason never replied. I knew he had to do some band this shit tonight, but I expected him to reply much faster.

He doesn't understand; the agony of waiting knowing that a girl might be hurt or embarrassed for no reason. I sat there, waiting at my computer. I waited patiently for 3 hours, and never got a reply. After I passed out and woke up at 12 o'clock in the night, I still didn't get a reply.

It was too late for me. Mallory wouldn't see anything I send her. Even if I got it.

I walked to school at 6 in the morning. I was frustrated; why would he send a text like that without even checking with me. I kept remembering he felt like he was doing the right thing, but was I completely sure of that?

The answer is, I wasn't.

"What?!!" Nathan yelled. "I can't believe he did this!" 
"I know!" I yell! "It makes your blunders look like nothing! He really ruined it now!"

"I hate Jason now," Nathan said, jokingly, but part of me couldn't tell he was. 

"Mrs.Joyce..." I say as I walk into the 1st period. "I'm pissed. I'm in a ranty mood."
"Well give me a little bit of time to get situated, before you rant to me," she said. And I gave her that time. She walked around, did her work, and then sat at her desk, where I was waiting.

"Ok, so here's what happened. I really like this girl, and she kissed me on the cheek, no big deal. My friend, Jason, who also happens to be her brother found out and messaged her asking if this really happened. No big deal. He then messages her that I felt uncomfortable when she kissed me, which is the exact opposite of the truth. She then even apologized and told him to tell me, that she was sorry for doing it."
"Hmm...Do you think this was intentional...?"
"I mean no. He said, that he was fine that I liked his sister, and wouldn't care if I started dating, and we even joked that he wanted me to be his brother. And he told me his reasoning behind it, I don't think he was intentionally trying to ruin the moment."
"Well, either he's really bad with women, or he's trying to keep you guys apart."
"Do you think?" I asked.

I mean. Was the second option possible, yeah of course. They are related, of course. But would he really go this far to do this? It doesn't seem like him at all.

"Thanks, Mrs.Joyce. 2 Things. Now I have to go and fix this face to face because I asked for her discord and he didn't send it to me. I have to tell her that he fucking lied."
"Don't say that - Say it was just a mistranslation."
"Yeah, ok. And... do you have 2 pieces of gum...?"

I got one piece of gum to put in my mouth, to make my breath fresh, and another piece to go in my mouth for later. 

The bell rings and I walk to the second period. There is no way that he intentionally cock blocked me. We wouldn't do something like that.

"Hey..." Jason said as I passed him by. "Kira is coming today!"
"Oh, cool. Did she bring the controllers?"
"I don't know. I'll make sure to ask her," Jason said. 

I continued walking and I confirmed to myself, there was no way; that's not his character. I pulled out my laptop and started acting like I was trying up my work, as I was actually digging for information.

"She forgot the remotes..." Jason messages me on discord.
"That's alright..." I reply.

"Hey, pass me Mall's discord?"
And within a couple of minutes, he sends me the discord. I knew he wasn't doing this on purpose. I send a friend request to her discord, but I got nothing. I remembered she was in school, but even then, kids usually still use their electronics during school. I'm a walking example. 

"Thanks," I send Jason. 

"You know what you should do?" Nathan tells me in the next period. "You should just come clean with her."
"What do you mean by that?"
"I mean, become honest with her. Tell her that it was a misunderstanding and that you like her!"
"No, no, that's a terrible idea!" I yell.

"Because it's just weird!"
"Well then, just stop making it weird!"
"Oh, great advice Nathan."
"Weird is subjective. It's only weird inside your head because you make it weird inside your head, so stop making it weird."

"That's actually...pretty good advice," I say.
And Nathan was silent. 

"Yeah, that actually is kind of good advice," Nathan said surprised by his own feats, which really scared me since I was using his advice. 

We move to the next period. I was still feeling salty at Jason for ruining this experience. But I had a chance still. Nathan and Shane probably weren't coming, so it's just me, Mallory, Jason, Kira, and Shaun.

Kira would keep Jason busy, Shaun would be kept busy with something Jason set up, and so it'll just be me and her. I can correct my mistakes. 

I was ready for this. The day blazed on through. 6th period came to an end.
I was ready to solve my problems. 

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