Jason the Cock Blocker...

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"What?!" Jason grunted.

"Oh..." Nathan gasped.
"Oh..." I laughed.

Shane walked away as if it were too awkward for him to be nearby for whatever was about to happen. 

"I did not know this happened," he says.
"Yeah, it's happened like 3 times," I said.

"What?" he says, even more, confused. "I did not know she kissed you!"
"Well yeah, it's not that big of a deal though," I say.

"It is if she has a boyfriend!" Jason adds.

"Well...true...but you cannot tell me this isn't just a diversion from us asking you about Kira. Just say you like her already."

"Listen; are you making this up?"
"Making what up?"
"Mallory kissing you. Because I will ask her."
"No." Nathan chimed in. "Why would I lie about that?" which reminded me, that Jason finding out was kind of his fault since he did just blurt out that she kissed me. 

"I will ask."
"That's kind of fucking creepy mate," I say.
"No, it's not."
"Yes, it is" Nathan adds.

"No, it's not. We tell each other everything."
"Do you tell her, each time you masturbate?" Nathan asks.

"Everything important!"
"Masturbation is kind of important. How do you expect to even function without bopping the horn at least once a week or so?"

"Listen, I will ask." Jason declares.

"Go ahead," I say. 

And so he does. It wouldn't be that weird. It shouldn't be that weird. But Jason always has a way of fucking everything up. And it's not like I can hate him for this. He probably didn't do this on purpose. But he ruined it.

Later that day, when we are all leaving school, I wait for Jason to catch up to me. 
"So did you ask Mallory?"
"Yeah, I did. She said yeah, and that it's a thing she normally does with all of her friends-"

And in that instant, my mind flipped its lid. What kind of thot ass bitch, just randomly goes around laying on people's lap and kissing people. I don't know if it's the maturity difference, but people don't just kiss people when they are just having fun.
But then I thought about the fact, that this is Jason she's talking to, and she might've just fuddled details.

I mean, if my sister asked me if I kissed someone, I wouldn't tell them I'm in love; especially when I'm already dating someone.

"and so I replied that you were-" but then Jason was immediately interrupted by Shaun running past. 

"Later fags!" he says.

"Hey, you stop right now!" I command. He turns around and stops.

"You don't leave like that!"
"I have a bus to catch up to, I got to leave!"
"No! You don't leave until I say so!" I say. I and Jason walk forward and then I say,"Okay, you can go now" and he darts off.

At this point, I completely forgot what we were talking about, but it's still always in the back of my mind.

"So c'mon, you can't tell me that you don't like Kira! Just say you do!"
"No. She has a boyfriend."
"That doesn't matter mate. Now, I mean, don't make any moves, sure, but you can't say that you don't at least like her; that much isn't wrong."
"Listen, my mind works differently than yours. It works in 2 ways. I either see people as friends or as sex partners."
"Okay..." I say confused. "Do you see her as that?"

"I would be fine if the opportunity came."
"Okay, but would you prefer that she was your partner?"
"I personally, do not prefer anyone. Except for maybe you big boy." Jason said, which immediately made me barf in my mouth. 

"Wow... Jeez. What were we talking about...?"
"Before we left the school. But before we got interrupted by Shaun; it's in the back of my mind, but I can't seem to get it... It's like -"
"Yeah, yeah, I know, I understand the concept, you don't need to explain it to me," he said.

"But still...What was it about... You said I said something... I think..."

"Oh!" Jason declares. "It was about me asking Mallory that thing."
"Yeah, that's it!" I rejoice. "Yeah, what did you tell her I was?"

"Oh, yeah. She said that's a normal thing she does with her friends, so I told her you were uncomfortable with it."

"YOU SAID WHAT?!" I burst, in pure anger. 

"You know. How since she already has a boyfriend, you don't feel comfortable doing that until she got rid of the boyfriend."
"Did you say all of that?"
"So you just said that I'm uncomfortable with the fact that she kissed me?!"

"What did she say after that?!"
"Here, do you want to read the messages?"

He hands me the phone, and I read the messages. After that, she wanted him to explain to me that she was sorry and that I didn't say anything about it. Which was true, because it wasn't a problem.

"Jason, you fucking idiot!" I shout. "How could you man, do you know how bad this looks?!"
"Well, I thought you were uncomfortable!"
"I wasn't, I really, really wasn't."
"I'm sorry."

I couldn't feel anything but pure utter disappointment. I didn't know what to do. Later that night, I realized I forgot to take my medicine. 

"Jason..." a few minutes later I text him. 
"Give me Mallory's discord. I have to make this right." 

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