6 year old Henry Dawson never thought it was possible to have a good family. His parents died when he was 1, all of his foster parents abused him. It never occurred to him that one day his life would change. But what if one day, it did
Hey guys! B here with another chapter! Ummm... not much to talk about... ON WITH THE STORY!!!!! ————————— GENERAL POV —————————
Henry entered the airport arrivals section in London. It was time to meet his new foster parents. He sighed as he lugged his small suitcase around.
In foster care, you were only allowed to bring what you needed . In Henry's case, that wasn't really as many things. All of the past foster homes had taken most of his things, leaving him with very few.
Two people stood in the midst of the crowd. The woman was holding a sign that said Welcome to the Go family, Henry! The man, who he guessed was the husband, was hugging the woman.
Henry walked over to them cautiously. His hands shaking. He tugged on the woman's dress lightly.
"Ummmm... e-e-e-excuse me, miss." He stuttered. "M-m-my name is H-H-Henry. Are you m-m-my new foster mommy?"
The woman looked down at him. "Oh my gosh! Martin it's him!" She exclaimed. The woman knelt down to his level. "Hi, honey! My name is Rachelle! And this is my husband, Martin. Yes we are your foster parents!"
She's loud. Henry thought to himself. "C-c-can I hug you?" He asked. The boy mentally facepalmed. You aren't supposed to do that, Henry. She'll only-.
His thoughts were interrupted when Rachelle brought him into a hug. This time he felt this one was true. Genuine-like. Not fake like the other ones that he had recieved.
Henry hugged her back. He buried his face into her shoulder and held back the tears. "Let's get you home it's been a very long day for you." Rachelle said.
———————— Timeskip brought to you by my chosen bed time. ————————
Martin, Rachelle, and Henry entered the brick house. It was around 1 AM and Henry was really tired. The boy kept dozing off during the car ride. Rachelle had offered to carry him, but he declined.
The young parents gave Henry a tour. The last stop was Henry's room. When he opened the door here is what he saw:
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The boy was amazed. He walked over to the bed and studied it. He felt the fabric in between his fingers.Rachelle giggled. She studied the boy's behavior.
Henry's face lit up with excitement. His frown turned into a smile. He ran to Rachelle and Martin and hugged them. "Thank you..." He said with joy.
"No problem, buddy." Martin said as he ruffled his son's hair. "Now lets get you into bed. We still have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. Henry ran to the bed and climbed in, careful not to mess up the covers.
Rachelle tucked the boy in and both parents kissed the boy lightly on the forehead. Rachelle and Martin watched the boy fall asleep befor returning to their bed for a good night's sleep. ——————-