CHPT. 26

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Naya POV

I walked into the building where the party was being held with Nyla attached to my leg.

"Mama, there goes Jordan!" She pointed to him, and then ran off.

Over the last couple of months, Jordan has became fond of Donell, Just like i became fond of Nicole. Who is also on bed rest, due to early labor. We all had some strange kinda friendship.

"Hey sweet pea." Donells mom said walking up to me.

"Hey Mrs. Mitchell, wheres Pop?" I asked referring to her husband.

"Somewhere smoking a cigar or eating, you know him." She laughed.

I have grown to love his family, they all took me in with open arms and a loving heart. Along with Nyla.

"You ready for baby boy's entrance?" She asked.

"He wants this boy, but im not ready yet. I wanted a a girl, aint nothing but girls at my house anyway."

"When yall gonna move away from this city. Compton aint no place to raise kids."

"Well, i want to throw out the fact that ive been looking at places in Florida really soon, but im kinda scared."

"Dont be, he has a full ride scholarship and promised spot on Florida State basketball team. He just might consider it."

"What about yall? Yall wont miss us?"

"That gives us a reason to travel, it all works out." She rubbed my stomach and walked away.

"Nayaaa!" Serenity yelled out while running up to me.

"Heyy cutie! Wheres your tt Laura-

"Nayaaaa!"She yelled out also running to me.

They both bear hugged me, and kissed my stomach.

"That girl dont want yall on her, dang." Carson said pulling them off me.

"Yall got here super early! Im the only one that was late to my own babymoon."

"Yeah pretty much, but hey! How you doing?" My ex sister in law asked.

"Great, work and school is going well. Nyla and Kai are doing great, Laura just got a promotion, Gia is almost done and ready the grand opening of the shop. Donell just got offered a really great job coaching boys basketball."

"Look at yall! Well im doing great too, theres kinda someone in the picture. I havent talked to dad yet but ive gotten over that. Is he even here?" She asked.

"Yup, he's somewhere doing something. But he's gonna give in eventually." I promised Nyla a trip with him before school, you guys should tag along."

"Yes! When?!"

"Next weekend, we're leaving friday. Ill text you more about it."

We ended our conversation and i enjoyed the people that came, the food and the music. But i started to miss Donell, he was running late due to a basketball game.

"Momma, why you by yourself?" Nyla asked sitting next to me.

"Because i miss Donell, and my feet hurt."

"Donell is right there crazy, turn around."

I turned around, but when i did the lights went off for a couple seconds until a single light was on him.

"Whats going on?" I asked. People gathered around and had there cameras out.

"This last month with you, has been i mean. Incredible. Nyla has taught me so many things about fatherhood, you've taught me so many things about love, like i just cant even describe how much ive taken in from you guys. Ive become more of a man, ive kept my head on straight. I gained two well now three great supporters, I dont think it gets any better than this and i dont want to know if it does. Nyla, ill ask you first. Will you let your mom marry me?"

"Ummmm..let me think about it." She tapped her chin, then said yes.

"Naya, with permission of you daughter, and permission from my heart. Will you marry me?"

Tears formed in my eyes, oooh's and awww's filled the room, my daughter smiling standing next to the man of my dreams, i couldnt ask for anything better.

"Yes, i will!" I said through the sniffling, he slid the very large and flashy ring on my finger and hugged me tight.

"Now for the cake!" Nyla yelled. Everyone laughed and started to line up to eat.

"I love you Naya." Donell said sitting next to me.

"We love you too."

"But, a little birdie told me that you wanted to move to Florida?"

"Well, yeah kinda sorta."

"How would you feel if i told you i got the house already?" He asked pulling out his phone.

"Miami, Florida. Lakewood Homes, 6 bedroom, 5 1/2 bathrooms, full kitchen, two living rooms, three car garage, fully renewed pool and jacuzzi, 350 acres of land in backyard. Close to Miller's Private Learning Academy and Florida State University." He swiped left and showed me more pictures.

"Omg! All of this for me? Why?"

"Because baby, yes the time is short i know. But i know your the woman i'm supposed to be with for the rest of my life."

"We have a child on the way, one crazy child running us wild already, two supporting sides of our relationship. Both headstrong and wise. Nothing can go wrong unless we let it go wrong and i wont let that happen. We can finish off the year and get married next year. Just promise that you got me, like i got you."

"I promise baby."

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