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jungwoo was walking back to his dorm with mark on that gray, cloudy evening. after a couple of sweaty and hot spring days, the cool temperature was comforting. mark had one of his earbuds in and he was listening to some old-school english song that jungwoo didn't recognize. the elder male looked up at the sky covered by clouds, wishing he could see more of the beautiful night stars. the chatter of students got louder as they neared the quad; it was oddly busy on that day.

"jungwoo," mark piped up, "what's your take on love?"

the male in question looked down at the younger and tilted his head a bit, his messy light brown hair swishing at the movement. jungwoo looked away from the canadian instead opting to stare at the swaying trees. the taller took a deep breath of fresh hair and exhaled slowly, pondering the query.

"love is... love is different for everyone and everything. there's platonic love and romantic love. love can be the bond between siblings, or a mother's love for her child. it can be two men, two women, a man and a woman. anyone can love and be loved," jungwoo paused before continuing, "not every person may truly deserve to be loved, but knowing someone cares so deeply for you is comforting. personally i prefer loving others. seeing shy smiles creep onto their faces when i compliment them, or their eyes lighting up when i mention something they like. loving is nice. love can be nice or... not so nice. love is love. it's a complex feeling, akin to other love but still so unalike in its own odd way. i could never truly explain what love is because it's different for everyone."

mark nodded his head, processing jungwoo's words. an endearing smile graced the younger's face as he scribbled something in english on a slip of paper before shoving the paper into the pocket of his windbreaker. jungwoo looked up at the sky once more, noticing sirius peeking out a tad bit more from the clouds. the shimmering star made jungwoo beam. to one observing freshman, jungwoo appeared to outshine even the brightest of the stars in that moment.

"what's love to you, mark?" jungwoo questioned, still staring up at the sky. mark chuckled before pushing jungwoo's head down till he was staring straight, to avoid the older from hurting his neck.

"love is a wonderful feeling. one that makes you feel giddy inside. it's everything you said and more. for me love is my brother, and my parents. it's my friends and music," mark stated wistfully. jungwoo took notice to the blush creeping its way onto the shorter's cheeks.

"someone special, eh markie?" jungwoo teased as he threw an arm around mark's shoulder. mark laughed softly and rubbed the nape of his neck. the canadian nodded his head ever so lightly, a shyness emitting from every awkward move the boy made. jungwoo smiled happily at his friend and decided not to pester the boy on the matter any further. he wouldn't have had a choice to anyways. not when another boy was shouting his name from the quad.

"mark-hyung! come play soccer with us!" a cheery dark-haired boy bounded over towards jungwoo and mark, followed by some other boys jungwoo knew quite well.

"renjun! sicheng! why didn't you tell me you were coming tonight?" jungwoo gasped, pulling renjun into a tight hug and swaying side to side. renjun made small noises of protest, slapping jungwoo's chest lightly. the other boys around them laughed at the two that could pass as siblings. the dark-haired boy that had called mark, chenle, had already begun to sprint back over to the field. a tall freshman that jungwoo had seen more than once around campus was running after the high schooler with a large grin stretching across his face. they looked so genuinely happy that it made jungwoo euphoric.

and so on that chilly friday evening, jungwoo enjoyed a short game of soccer with the foreigners. it was full of laughs and mistakes, triumph and happiness. there was never a dull moment during that mini game.

i called my sister's boyf 'mark' yesterday bc i was thinking of mark's cute ass oops

also oOoOoOO markie's in l o v e ;)) with who?? ;)))

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