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jungwoo briskly walked through the nursing building, making his way to the direction of the quad. as he walked, jungwoo shifted through the front pocket of his backpack and pulled out his phone, sending a quick text to ten that read: "i'm omw now. wish me luck!" to which ten replied with a good luck, full-well knowing jungwoo wouldn't need any luck. it was spring now and beautiful flowers of all kinds were blooming on the sides of the pathways. the sun was fully own, shining down on jungwoo and making it appear like he was glowing. the nursing major was wearing simple black jeans and a white hoodie with black wording, a comfortable attire for test-taking. an older veterinary major, youngho, approached jungwoo quietly, throwing his arm over the shorter's shoulder.

"hey jungwoo!" the american shouted in the ear of the beaming boy. jungwoo grinned gleefully up at the older, giving him a concise wave.

"hi johnny-hyung," jungwoo spoke in his ever-so soft voice, "how were your exams?"

"they were really good actually. only a couple more years of this bullshit and i'm freed from this," johnny sighed wistfully, a hand splayed over his chest and his head tilted back. jungwoo laughed and nudged the brown-haired male with his shoulder. johnny smiled downwards at his junior, noticing jungwoo's hands fidgeting with his phone.

"everything okay, woo?" he asked, rubbing jungwoo's shoulder with the pad of his thumb. jungwoo nodded with flushed cheeks and trained his eyes on the quad that was now within view.

"i'm fine, for the most part. i just have to confess to someone." jungwoo breathed in and out, breaking free of johnny's hold and walking at a faster pace towards the field. the sophomore looked over his shoulder to find johnny sending him a thumbs up and bright smile, which jungwoo gladly returned.

yukhei wasn't hard to find. now that jungwoo knew him, of course. the younger was attractive; it was undeniable. yet because of their differences, jungwoo feared he never would have approached the art major. but here kim jungwoo was, a few feet away from yukhei. said boy was sketching in his notepad, as per usual. jungwoo knew there was nothing to be afraid of. why would someone who clearly admires jungwoo turn him down? that's just preposterous. and so the korean male took hesitant steps forward, wanting to do anything but this.

"yukhei-ssi," jungwoo called, staring the boy down with soft mocha eyes. yukhei's head snapped up and his hair flew upwards before falling back into place. the freshman quickly slammed his notepad shut and shoved it inside his backpack, standing up as he zipped it. "come with me please, yukhei. i'd like to speak to you... preferably in private."

yukhei nodded furiously, throwing the strap of his backpack on his shoulder and falling into pace with jungwoo who was now heading in the direction of his dorm. ten had gone to one of the frat parties located a bit off campus, allowing jungwoo the chance to talk to yukhei away from others. when they arrived in the dormitories, jungwoo headed for the stairs so there wouldn't be an awkwardly quiet elevator ride. yukhei followed him, always a couple of steps behind him. hues of red were creeping up the chinese boy's neck and finding asylum on the tips of his ears.

the two students entered jungwoo and ten's room and sat down on the couch a few feet apart from each other. jungwoo played with the hem of his sweatshirt, biting the inside of his cheek as he attempted to approach the topic. do i just flat out say it? or is that too forward? oh fuck why didn't i come up with something beforehand i'm so—

"jungwoo," yukhei said, his eyes focused on his plain black socks. jungwoo shook his head up and down, knowing what yukhei's tone was implying.

"sorry that this was really sudden but i, uhm, i had to say this. i don't really know how to start, so here goes nothing," jungwoo took a deep breath.

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