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SNOOPYWOO UPLOADED A VIDEO; interviewing my peers at the quad.

 "hey guys! today my roommate ten and i are going to the quad—on a goddamn saturday—to interview some other students! hopefully this goes well

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"hey guys! today my roommate ten and i are going to the quad—on a goddamn saturday—to interview some other students! hopefully this goes well. we'll try to find diverse people who are majoring in different things!" 

[the video transitions to jungwoo walking down the sidewalk, his hands in the pockets of his jean jacket. he's smiling at his friend behind the camera, the light from the sun making him glow a beautiful golden color.]

"how about them?"

[the camera focuses on a group of boys quite familiar to along with some girls that jungwoo didn't recognize very well.]

"renjun! sicheng! chenle!" 

"jungwoo-hyung? are you filming?"

[three boys were now standing with jungwoo, one of them with tinted cheeks while the other two were comfortable, even waving at the camera.]

"yeah, i'm planning on interviewing some people for a video. got anyone special over there?" 

[renjun nodded, a devilish grin on his face as he mumbled something in his mother-tongue to chenle and sicheng. the two other boys smirked as well, nodding to renjun who began to call for someone.]

"yukhei-ge! will you come over here for a second?"

[the presumed 'yukhei' snapped his head up, his eyes widening when he noticed what was happening. jungwoo recalled it was one of the boys he played soccer with last night and waved the freshman over. the chinese male complied, jogging over to the growing group.]

"hey yukhei! do you mind answering a couple questions for a youtube video?" 

"not at all."

[yukhei grinned widely, the tips of his ears turning red as he looked into jungwoo's soft eyes.]

"great! first off, what's your name, nationality, and age?"

"wong yukhei, chinese-thai, and i'm 19."

"what's your major and why?"

"i'm, uh, an art major."

[sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck, yukhei smiled at the camera.]

"i really enjoy art and creating something—anything—with a meaning behind it. the power of art is amazing. it can make people laugh, think, feel powerful. i want to have that effect on others."

"what's your favorite way of creating art? like painting, drawing, writing, etcetera."

"well there is only one reason i really write. it's a bit more of a personal reason because it's for a special person in my life that i like a lot..."

[jungwoo nodded encouragingly at the younger, his eyes shining as yukhei talked about what he was passionate about.]

"otherwise i really like to sketch things i observe around me. i'm here at the quad a lot, sitting on that ledge and sketching sites around me. it's amazing; the amount of diversity in such a small area."

"that was truly beautiful, yukhei. and finally, what is the one thing in the world that's most precious to you?"

"aside from my family and friends? well... this may sound a bit weird but it's dogs. they're just so sweet and adorable. the different breeds and personalities. no dog is exactly the same as the other. there's a very special, um, dog? yeah. there's a very special dog in my life. i like him a lot. he's one of the most outstanding things in the world."

"that's so cute! thank you so so much yukhei. i'll see you around campus."

[jungwoo patted yukhei on the shoulder, displaying his gorgeous teeth to the tall foreigner. yukhei nodded, waving towards ten and jungwoo before he walked back to his friends hanging out on the turf.]

"onto the next person..."


Lyss 18m ago pinned by snoopywoo
this video was so inspiring and beautiful. to see so many people with different backgrounds talk about the different things they love and are passionate about is breathtaking. the first interviewee, yukhei, was so adorable!! i was squealing when he mentioned the person he likes. ugh, he looks so soft. he seemed really passionate, too. the way he talked about art and dogs was absolutely precious.
show all 619 replies
injunnie yukhei-ge really is super cute huh ;))
water is not wet the way you worded this was so pretty aljskan congrats on the notice(s)!

uwujungwoo 14m ago
why did yukhei look so flustered 👀👀
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snoopywoo wouldn't you be if you were talking ab your crush ㅋㅋㅋ
uwujungwoo KQJKD B I T CH
uwujungwoo u rite tho

phangirl XD 13m ago
#yukwoo #junghei
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green apples are better than red
yall crazy for this shit

incase anyone was curious i've mentioned yukhei three (?) times now without mentioning him name

a/n;incase anyone was curious i've mentioned yukhei three (?) times now without mentioning him name

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have a lovely day/afternoon/evening/night!!

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