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This book is about daring and asking my Hetalia OCs. The following are...

A friendly guy but doesn't smile so much and I think he likes jackfruit.

An improve country whose a little bit like England. He's a close friend to the Mainland S.E.A. Nations (such as Malaysia).

Known for being a friendly country and he's a member of ASEAN.

A friendly country known for her islands especially the island of Borneo.

A female country, once a younger sister of Cambodia and Vietnam when they were Indochina, and a member of ASEAN.

Mindanao (South Philippines)
He is sometimes a tsundere and sometimes a friendly person. He sometimes thought of being a country or state someday due to that his sisters (Luzon and Panay or Visayas?!) are Roman Catholics.

Sometimes a little bit tsundere but an awesome country. He's a member of ASEAN.

He is an island country with close ties with Sri Lanka and India.

A country who is proud of himself as always and a member of ASEAN.

She is a disciplined country. When she says something, sometimes she really mean it.

North Korea
A talented country, he doesn't want to here any opinions, and he hates that Capitalist Pig (US). He sometimes hates his twin brother, South Korea.

She is a warmhearted country. She is known for her 7,107 islands and her balut. She's a member of ASEAN.

He is very, very a strict and disciplined one. He loves to keep anything neat, clean and perfect (in the fact he might have a phobia of things not in order). He's a member of ASEAN.

Sri Lanka
A country in South Asia and a friend of India and Maldives.

A tsundere one and a sister of Egypt and South Sudan.

Timor Leste
The youngest of them all but a mature one! He's a determined country. He is being supported by Australia, Indonesia and the Philippines (sometimes) since he and she are the only major Roman Catholic countries in Asia. He's trying his best to be a member of ASEAN.


Aerican Empire
He is a micro nation from Canada but almost acts like America. He likes America since he is named after him.

He's a HANDSOME (what did I just said?!) ,I MEAN
an intelligent micronation. He has something to know about the outer space and has plans to be a member of U.N.

Celestia is a micronation lives in the outer space since Celestial is excluding Earth. Living in outer space cause Celestia to have no knowledge about the humans. Celestial doesn't even know there's such thing as gender so Celestial doesn't know his or her own gender.

Free Territory of Freedomland
A micronation named by Thomas Cloma. Her status today is alive (as an island of Thitu and a troop) only because her population is 220 and now she's finding out what country owns her.

Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of Coral Seas (call her Coral-kun)
An Australian micro nation who knows how accept gays, lesbians, trans genders and especially Same Sex Marriage. She loves shipping anything (especially when it's Yaoi or Yuri).

Global Country of World Peace
A peaceful and calm person. He isn't very close to anyone to keep himself in peace. He only imagines that someday, the world will be in peace.

Greater Kaleido
A not so famous micronation in the Philippines. (Searched from Google)

A micronation claiming the Himalayas range (not so sure just Search for it...).

She is showed in the show "How to Make Your Own Country". She is a confident and friendly one.

North Sudan
A friendly and lovable micronation. He loves people especially children.

Outer Baldonia
He called himself "An Awesome Dude" and he hates girls.

Other World Kingdom (I call her Girlie-kun)
A micronation who keeps females rule over than males.

A micronation claims the west of Antarctica. He knows about especially about weather.

(The "sister and brother things" are only my own ideas)

You may dare main characters from Hetalia as long as you take a limit from 3-10 characters.

So, let's get started! Comment down below to dare or ask!!!!

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