Crushes?! Anyone?

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Author: Heya, guys!

Philippines: Yo, author ko!!!

Cambodia: How things going?!

Nepal: Do we have a dare?!

Author: Not a dare but a question!

Aerican: Not so sure but, this book is not for questions, right?!

*Luna punches Aerican's shoulder*

Aerican: Ouch! That hurts!!!

Singapore: *is pissed off because of the noise* Agh! Stop that noise, lah!!!

Malaysia: Everyone, BE QUIET!!!

*everyone remained in silence*

Asgardia: *talks to the author* Anyway, my author, what's the question?!

Author: This... *shows the question or ask in her phone*

 *shows the question or ask in her phone*

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Asgardia: For real?! That ask again?!

Lovely: Asgardia, you shouldn't be angry!!!

Cambodia: And that's IAmHetaliaCambodia. He's a different person. :)

Laos: Should we answer it now?!

Author: Okay!!! Who goes first?!

*no one answers*

Author: For real?!

*still, no one answers*

Author: Okay... I'll summon someone to help me.

Indonesia: Wait a sec... You can into magic?!

Author: Nope! But I can into Wattpad! *opens the door*

IAmHetaliaCambodia: Hello!

*everyone is surprised*

Cambodia: *sparkles with cuteness* Aiya! It's Suriya!!! *is talking about IAmHetaliaCambodia*

Suriya: Oh, so this is your Cambodia!!! He's cute like me! :)

Author: Hehe...

Suriya: Now, Who goes first?!

*Cammy raises his hand*

Cambodia: Me me!!!! My crushes are Singapore, Australia, France and especially Myanmar!!!

*Singapore is shocked*

Singapore: For real?!

*Myanmar is blushing*

Suriya: How 'bout you, muscle man?! *points at Myan*

Myanmar: *is surprised* Me?!

Suriya: Well! Of course!! Are there any Myanmar here except for you?!

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