Be My Maid

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*Author crashed into the door*

Author: HELLO, PEEPS!!!

Vietnam: My, you could.... Nevermind you used the door.

Cambodia: Welp, Rest in Peace for the door knob. *hugs the door knob*

Philippines: Sana all niyayakap...

Myanmar: I wish I was the door knob...

Author: English Please, Phili

Philippines: Then why did you make me speak Filipino?!!

Malaysia: You know, you could have just knock on the door, Author. Someone will open it for you.

Author: *grins* Like a... MAID?

Malaysia: Uhh... We don't have a maid but I can use it as an example.

Author: Or we can use YOU as an example.

Malaysia: Huh? I thought you'll use maid as an example?

*Author face palmed*

Author: How's your test in Math, dude?

Malaysia: Huh? What?

Author: Let me just get into the point! We have a dare!

Wynonna: *jokes* And it's been last last year.

Author: Hehe...

Malaysia: Wait!!! Nooo...

Author: You know it already???

Malaysia: Hear me, Author? I said "No!"

Author: Dang... I just waste my money for this maid dress...

Malaysia: What???

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Malaysia: *is blushing* Oh... So, this is what she means when we have a dare... I thought it's about not eating durian.

Indonesia: *peaks inside the dressing room* Yo, bro! Time to--Woah...

Malaysia: *blushes* Don't mentioned it!!!

Indonesia: *smirks* You look good on that dress...

Malaysia: noooo

Indonesia: With the look, you're making me bisex....

Malaysia: NOOOOO!!!!! *moves out of the room and went to Wynonna*

Wynonna: *looks at Mal* Wait! Who's this hottie?

Malaysia: *grabs Wyn* Come on, sis!

Wynonna: Malaysia?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Malaysia: *carrying a big pile of books* What do you want to be, Wyn? A book worm or a librarian?

Wynonna: Anything that will make you carry mi books!

Malaysia: Ugh! You can buy a library but not a maid? Why?!!

Wynonna: Welp... I mean why not? Why look for a maid if there's one near you.

Malaysia: I'm not a maid!

Wynonna: I thought you're MAID-laysia.

Malaysia: I'll just go and shut up...

Wynonna: ^w^

. . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . .  

Coral-kun: Hey guys... Heard about the peep who wear maid dress?

Westartica: Anime waifus?

Coral-kun: *thinks about Malaysia* Yep!

Aerican Empire: Yes! What's about her?

Coral-kun: *sweats* Hehe.... Are you sure it's a "her"?

Aerican Empire: Dang! It's a dog, isn't it?

Coral-kun: *face palmed* I hope you fall into a trap....

. . . .  . . . . .

Wynonna: Hello! Author-chan, thanks for doing my dare!

Author: Noo probs!

Malaysia: SHUT UP!

*Singapore is laughing out loud*

Wynonna: Next time, the tables will turn...

Brunei: Eh??

Wynonna: I'll make Singapore and you wear a maid dress...

Author: What the...

Singapore: Hell ah... NOOOOO

Malaysia: Do it for meh, Wyn!!!

Author: Noooo

( But actually I can make it not happen for meh XD... THANKS FOR READING!!!!)

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