Chapter Two - The Sun Shines Down

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"Weiss, do you wanna go out today? I made some sandwiches for us, I thought maybe you'd like to study in the courtyard." Ruby said, holding up a basket with sandwiches, potato chips and cookies inside. Ruby smiled pleadingly.

"Sure, but no way am I studying!" Weiss paused. "Okay, that felt odd to say, but it's correct none the less." She said afterwards, more to herself if anything. Ruby paused, confused.

"Wait, really?" Ruby asked. Weiss nodded. "Oh my gosh, this is going to be great!" Ruby burst out the dorm room door and ran down the hallway. Weiss stared at the door confused until Ruby sheepishly came around the corner again. "M-Maybe I should walk with you." She said.

"Maybe you should walk in general. Now c'mon, daylight will fade quickly." Weiss said, urging Ruby back out the door. Ruby had a large grin on her face as she walked along side Weiss down to the courtyard. Outside, the sun shine brightly on the grass, bumblebees buzzing throughout the flowers and gardens. The grounds were mostly empty except for Coco and Velvet taking photos of each other in the natural lighting. Ruby led Weiss under a nice large oak, where they would have the most shade. The girls could use a tan, but with their luck, they'd only get a sunburn.

Ruby went straight for the cookies while Weiss unwrapped her sandwich. She peeked at the ingredients and smiled when she realized there was no mayo, something she had mentioned hating to Ruby. Ruby had already eaten 6 cookies, so Weiss started a conversation to keep her from eating them all.

"So Ruby, what made you want to take me out here today? It was very out of nowhere if I'm being honest." Weiss asked curiously.

"Well, I made this whole meal, and I realized I couldn't eat all of it. I had... Sort of gotten carried away in the kitchen, preparing food. So I thought hey! Weiss might like my cooking, so here we are!" Ruby explained.

"Oh, Ruby, you're such a dunderhead...!" Weiss smiled, and took a bite from her sandwich.

"Hey Weiss, I-I know this is sort of... Odd, but-" Ruby was cut off as a bee flew past Rubys face, scaring her. "AHHH!" She screamed, causing anyone around to stare at her as she frantically swung her arms in front her. Weiss almost toppled over laughing at how ridiculous Ruby looked.

"Phew... That was close..." Ruby panted, tired from moving around so much all of a sudden.

"Ruby, it was only a bee! It wouldn't have done anything to you, silly!" Weiss couldn't hide her grin. Ruby blushed, realizing what the whole act may have looked like to someone else.

"W-Weiss, do you think anyone saw that?" She asked nervously. Weiss shook her head.

"No, I don't think so. It's pretty empty out here today, and besides, it's not like people would think any less of you." Weiss shrugs. Ruby thought for a moment, then relaxed.

"Yeah! I guess you're right." Ruby said. She strayed away from the cookies and are some of her sandwich as Weiss smiled.

"Y'know Ruby, I never thought I would ever fall in love with a girl, but you make it so hard to not love you. You're just so cheerful and cute, everything you do is pure. You're beautiful and compassionate, I just never realized it... Until that day." Weiss was as red as Ruby's cape at this point, and Ruby couldn't say she was any better. Ruby pulled her hood over her head to hide her face, embarrassed. Neither spoke for a moment, until Ruby giggled.

"You have a funny way of saying I love you." And then she burst out laughing at her own joke.

"Hey! I-I'm not good with emotions, alright!?" And she joined in the laughter. 

The two girls had a lovely afternoon together, enjoying each other's company. When they arrived back at their dorm, Blake and Yang were there already.

"How was your date, guys?" Blake asked politely. Ruby smiled and held Weiss' hand as she replied.

"It was great! Although I was attacked by a bee, and that wasn't as great." Ruby pouted. Yang laughed. 

 "Ruby, it was just a little bumblebee! There's nothing to grope about." Weiss said sharply. "Other than that, Ruby made cookies and sandwiches. It was rather enjoyable." She continued happily. Ruby nodded in agreement.

 "Aw, my little sis is already cooking for her wife, how cute!" Then Yang faked a sob. "They grow up so fast..."

 "Gah- Y-YANG!" Ruby stuttered. Blake and Weiss chuckled to themselves. 

Coco and Velvet, a few hours earlier...

 "Those two are so cute, don't you think, Velvet?" Coco said whismically. Velvet nodded. 

 "Yes, I think they're absolutely adorable!" She replied.

 "Don't you wish you had a relationship like them, Velvet?" Coco asked her nonchalantly. Velvet blushed.

 "Ah- I mean, of course, doesn't everyone?" She stuttered. Coco turned towards Velvet, placing her hand on her shoulder. Velvet only blushed harder.

 "Would you like to start one now?"

A/N: Dunderhead is my new favourite insult after watching Nomad of Nowhere. It's so pure, especially how Skout says it in her accent.

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