Chapter Three - Photosynthesis

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Team RWBY sat in the kitchen together, staring at the ingredients spread out on the counter. They had bought every thing they thought was needed to make any type of cookie, but there was one problem.

 "Did anyone think this through?" Blake muttered. Yang shrugged. 

 "I don't know, I thought Weiss knew the recipe."

 "Why would I, of all people know how to make cookies? I had a cake butler for crying out loud, do you think I did any baking at home?" Weiss retorted.

 "Guys, guys! We can figure this out! Cookies are really sweet, so maybe if we put a lot of sugar, they'll come out okay!" Ruby reasoned. Blake shook her head. 

 "No, Ruby, I don't know how to make cookies but I know that's not right. Can't we just search it up in a book? Or online?" Blake asked. Yang frowned, staring at her scroll. 

 "Nope. Connection is lost. And I'm pretty sure the library is for studying, not baking." Blake only sighed in response. 

 "Maybe... Ask Ren? He makes delicious pancakes. Maybe he can cook pastries too." Weiss suggested. Ruby started to nod, but recalled a conversation she had had with Pyrrha earlier today.

 "Nope again, the whole team is on a mission right now. Pyrrha told me this morning." Ruby said dryly. She frowned. "And we bought all these ingredients too..." Weiss scowled at the look on Ruby's face. What do I do...? She thought. 

 "Alright, how about this. We can't research how to make them, and there's no one we can ask. But, what if we throw some things in a bowl, put it in the oven and cross our fingers?" Weiss proposed. Yang and Ruby nodded enthusiastically, and Blake gave a small smile. "Great!" Weiss cheered.

"I know when you bake, you mix dry ingredients first. I learned that from my dad." Ruby offered. Weiss nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's do that, then. We've got nothing better." Blake said a bit happier than normal. She grabbed a bowl and started emptying flour into it. Yang snatched a couple eggs and and started to crack them into the bowl. 

"Wait, sis, I don't think you do that yet!" Ruby shouted, reaching over the table for Yang. Blake, unable to see what she was doing anymore, poured flour all over the counter. 

"Guys!" She complained, dropping the bag to wipe the flour off her shorts. Suddenly the whole bag was emptied, causing a plume of flour to coat everyone and everything. The girls were silent, frozen in shock. 

"... Pfft-" Ruby started giggling, smiling through the coating of flour. The other girls stared at the red head, more concerned about the flour they'd have to get out of their hair later than laughing, but it didn't take long til Yang started to laugh too, wiping the powder from her lips. Blake giggled to herself as well, and soon all three girls were practically rolling on the floor crying years of laughter. The kitchen had become a mess within thirty seconds of cooking!

Later that evening, Weiss, Ruby and Blake were in their dorm relaxing. Yang had a detention she had to serve that afternoon, otherwise she'd be suspended, but she hadn't returned yet.

 "Hey Weiss, good job saving us earlier, I thought Ruby was right for a moment." Blake said quietly to the room, her eyes not leaving her novel.

 "Oh, it was nothing..." Weiss said, flattered. Ruby spoke up.

 "No, really! My day would've been ruined if you hadn't saved us. You'd make a great team leader!" Ruby cheered proudly. Weiss blushed. Heading it from Ruby made it different somehow. 

 "Really guys, I don't deserve this flattery." Weiss said humbly. It wasn't quite like her to be humble, but here she was, rejecting compliments. Ruby bounced off her bed, determined.

 "Nope, I won't let you brush this off!" At this point, Ruby knew it wasn't as big a deal as she was making it out to be, but it was fun to embarrass Weiss. Ruby sat on top of Weiss' bed, staring her down. Weiss quickly put her notebook she was holding on her bedside table. 

 "Ruby, what are you-"

 "Hush! We both know you aren't a humble person, so accept this compliment!" Ruby said sternly. Her dumb grin made it hard to take her seriously. 

Weiss chuckled. "Y'know you're blowing this out of proportion, here." Ruby giggled, but quickly stopped herself. 

 "Ahem. I am not blowing anything out of proportion, okay? I am telling things how I see it. And I see it as you being my hero today!" Ruby said smiling. Weiss blushed.

 "Hey, don't call me a hero til I've saved a school bus full of children from a pit of lava. That's hero standards." She scoffed.

 "Fine, if you won't accept my words, then accept this." She said, and blushed as she kissed Weiss quickly on the cheek. 

 " Wh-wha- Ruby!" Weiss said, surprised.

 "Awww." Blake quipped from the other side of the room. Weiss have her a death stare, and Blake just laughed. 

 "If you'd just accepted the compliment, I wouldn't have had to do that." Ruby said with sass, pretending she didn't enjoy the kiss.

"Oh, don't pretend you weren't finding the smallest excuse to do that..." Weiss said meekly. Ruby smirked.

"What do you know?" Ruby teased. 

A/N: I know their dorm room doesn't have a kitchen, so I'm pretending it's the RWBY CHIBI one, okay? RWBY CHIBI acts like team RWBY and JNPR have a mansion on campus, so blame Rooster Teeth XD

 Also second Author Note, this chapter is called photosynthesis because they're baking and photosynthesis is how plants get food and baking is one way humans... Yeah, there's a joke in there somewhere. Every title is related to plants, by the way. If you haven't noticed.

Okay, third Author Note. This was less Whiterose and more team RWBY, so I compensated with Weiss and Ruby's first kiss. :)

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