Chapter Six - A Drought

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 "Weiss! Please, you have to stop her!"
 "Pyrrha! She's going up to that woman, a-at the top of the tower! She doesn't stand a chance!"
 "Jaune, what are you talking about? Where are you?"
"Don't worry about me! ... Please... You have to save Pyrrha..."

 "We've gotta hurry!" Ruby shouted, slashing away at a grimm charging towards her. Weiss didn't reply, instead, she summoned a line of Glyphs that ran along the tower. 

 "You can do this." Weiss nodded at Ruby, confident in their victory. 

"I love you, Weiss!" Ruby shouted as she dashed up the wall, her semblance boosting her forward. Weiss smiled to herself and watched her every move, making sure Ruby wouldn't fall.

I gotta go I gotta go I gotta- ah? She heard a scream. She started to run faster, her heels barely tapping the concrete. Ruby leaped over the edge of the tower, out of sight from Weiss. 

"Ruby..." She said worriedly.

 It all happened so fast. She looked up, and then... Cinder... Pyrrha... Then white. Like... Snow... 

Weiss... Pyrrha... Jaune...

 "Where...?" Dad? Am I...

"Ahh!" Ruby yelped. She sat up quickly, her mind in a haze. Blake glanced over at her, still wide awake, reading her novel. 

"You okay, Ruby?" She said gently. 

"Yeah. Nightmare, I think. But it felt so real." She said, rubbing the tiredness from her eyes. "What time is it, is it worth going back to sleep?" Blake shook her head. 

"For Weiss it might be, it's 5:30 am. But I doubt you have any interest in waking up that early." Blake smiled. "If you do decide to stay up though, I can make us some tea." Ruby nodded. 

"Tea sounds nice right now. Maybe I can surprise Weiss by being up so early!" She grinned. Blake simply nodded and left to prepare the tea. 

Ruby had in fact surprised Weiss when she woke up and found the red huntress sipping tea and reading alongside Blake.  "She takes after me." Weiss smiled. Later that morning, Weiss was in front of the mirror, styling her hair in a million different ways. 

"Whats the special occasion?" Ruby asked, peeking from behind the bathroom door. Weiss grinned. 

"Winter is coming to visit!" She said, hopping up and down. Her hair tumbled out of the messy bun it had been put up in, and Weiss sighed. 

"Let me help you." Ruby said casually, taking the comb from Weiss' hands. Weiss relaxed her shoulders and let Ruby study Weiss' hair, trying to pick out what style to go for. "I've never seen you so excited before, Weiss. How often do you see your sister?" Ruby asked, splitting Weiss' hair down the middle.  

"Oh, not that often I suppose. . . I never see her, actually, she's not home all that often. But she's so cool! She has glyphs like me, and she summons grimm to fight alongside her, and--" 

"She sounds pretty awesome!" Ruby interjected. Weiss blushed when she realized how much she sounded like a little kid.

"She is. She's the one who helped me come to Beacon, because my dad--" She paused. "Well, he was too... Busy to help me enroll." She explained, looking away from Ruby's gaze in the mirror. 

"What about your mom?" Ruby asked, starting to braid Weiss' hair down the middle. Weiss was quiet.

"She... Was also busy?" She shrugged. "But anyways, my sister does a lot of really awesome things for me. She helped me enroll, she helped me learn how to use my semblance, she even taught me all about proper form when in combat." 

"Ohhh, so is that why its so important to you?" Ruby reasoned. Weiss nodded, but immediately regretted doing so after accidentally tugging on her hair. "Sorry!" Ruby cried. 

"It's fine. Winter would say not to concern myself with something as minuscule as a simple tug of the hair." Weiss said, putting on a fake stern expression and imitating her sisters voice. Ruby laughed, not because she understood the joke, but because Weiss looked funny.

"When are you going to meet her?"

"In.... 7 minutes!" Weiss cried. Ruby quickly finished up the braid and put the crown clip in her hair. 

"It's symmetrical, is that okay with you?" Ruby asked quietly.

"Yes, yes, I don't have time to change it again anyways. Thank you for helping me!" Weiss shouted as she hurried out of the bathroom and into the hall. Ruby stood there, suddenly alone, and smirked. 

"Winter!" Weiss cried, her eyes falling upon the strict warrior. Winter turned around with a small smile, opening her arms to accept the incoming hug from Weiss. Weiss ran head first into Winter, who was taken aback by the sudden blow. 

"Hello Weiss, long time no see." Winter smiled. "I'm glad I could visit you in time for the Vytal festival." Weiss nodded, still hugging her sister. 

"I missed you! Oh there's so much I need to catch you up on, all my professors, my team, and Ruby, of course. You should hear how we met, it was ridiculous--" Weiss started.

"Ruby? The one you spoke of in the letters?" Winter asked, her head tilted to the side.

"Oh, you... You received those." Weiss said blushing.

"Everything finds its way to me eventually. It seems to always be the case with us Schnees. you speak very highly of Ruby in those letters." Winter smiled. Weiss nodded. 

"I think very highly of her, after all." She grinned. "Oh! I didn't even say goodbye to her!" Weiss realized. 

"Well, you'll have to go apologize, and take me with you, won't you?" Winter suggested. 

"Of course, but for now I want to tell you all about..." And Weiss summarized her entire life so far at Beacon. Winter listened intently, guiding Weiss over to some chairs. Winter entertained Weiss, asking her questions and making jokes with her sister the whole afternoon. They got food later, but never did Weiss stop speaking. Eventually Winter started to talk about her own life away from home. Weiss was fascinated by it, and listened to every word intently. 

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