Incoherent conversations

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You sat there and studied the box. It was sealed tight but there was a note taped to the outside. You peeled it off and began to read aloud.

Dear -y/n-

After opening the box that I have purposely put on your stoop you will learn that this little guy is very, I repeat, very, loud. You may be freaked out by how he seems to 'make his little noises' almost every single minute of every single 'hour' as you humans call it. Do not let him get outside as a grub or you will be severely punished. Remember he has a life too and should be taken care of like a 'child'.

You are probably wondering what his name is. It is an uncommon name on your human planet. Most of your name lists consist of Ben or Bryan. Well his name is Kankri Vantas. I'll give you some advice DO. NOT. TELL. HIM. TO. BE. QUIET. He will just burst into tears and continue with his lectures.

Sincerely ,

The skreeing got louder. You growled and got a razor so you could cut the box open. You were careful not to hurt whatever was in it and continued to cut open a side to get 'him' out. Finally you cut a giant hole in the side and peered into it. "Holy mother of god!" You screeched as you saw the little thing inside of it. You instantly picked it up and set it on the floor. It squeaked and sat on it's hind 'legs'. The thing looked like a big grub with a human face and two little horns. Well his face wasn't exactly human it was a pale grey and with giant round red eyes. His hair was black and his body was the same color as his eyes. It skreed once more and then crawled closer to you. But it stayed at least a foot away. You smiled at it and held out a finger for it to shake. He studied it but then extended it's own 'hand' and shook your finger with it. "So you're Kankri?" You asked.
"Skree." It answered and nodded. "Well it's nice to meet you, Kankri." You said. It nodded as if saying 'quite'. You giggled at it not noticing you still had the razor in your hand. The moment Kankri saw it he went into another skree attack. He backed away but continued with his little lecture. You sighed. "I can't even understand you.Why keep talking? You're bound to run out of breath." You said. Kankri's mouth hung open dragging out a skree. You laughed at him while he just stared at you. ".........." 'Silence' you thought savoring the moment.

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