What do you eat?

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He was then quiet which you loved. He curled into a ball and kept silent. You guessed you better not do any more triggering things and decided to put the razor up. Then you realized 'what if he is illegal to have?' You began to worry and breathed heavily not wanting your new friend to be taken away. A slight 'skree' made you jump. You looked down to see Kankri by your foot. You swallowed down your worries and picked him up. He skreed again. "Sorry." You said putting him on the counter. He continued skreeing but you just blocked him out and thought. 'I have to take care of him don't I'? "Hey Kankri do you see anything you like to eat?" He weakly slapped the counter with one of his 'hands' and skreed louder. You growled. He was making it pretty hard to control your temper. He stopped and hissed at you then continued scree-ing. Sighing you decide to just give him an orange. You walk over to the fruit basket and pick up the ripest orange you have. You peel it and then set it in-front of him. Kankri stared at it and took a deep breath before slightly pushing it away and shaking his head. He then motioned for you to pick him up. Knowing that he likes his space you let him crawl onto your hand and hold him an inch away. He then points at the pantry. You open the door. It doesn't really have anything in it all it has is some apple-sauce and popcorn. Kankri skreed and pointed to the applesauce.

'He is sorta like a baby isn't he?' You thought. Bending down you grab the apple sauce. "This?" You ask. He nodded then motioned for you to set him down. You put him on the table and opened the applesauce. "Bleh, you really want this?" You asked. He began another lecture. "Nuh uh!" You put a finger to his lips. You weren't expecting what happened next. HE BIT YOU! You quickly took you hand away and yelped. He nodded with satisfaction and continued his lecture. You sighed once more and then gave him the applesauce. Kankri continued with his lecture of meaningless words and then ate it. You smiled as he ate it because it was finally quiet. You sucked on your sore finger and closed your eyes trying to sleep. But then you heard him skree once more. You dead-panned into the table and stayed that way for the next 5 minutes.

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