what?! you're a troll?!

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Kankri's POV

i held onto the human. She actually managed to calm me down. i didnt really remember the bad dream all i rememebered is that it was horrible! after the little drama attack i had i clung onto her afraid she would leave me to deal with my own problems. She smiled at me. "Are you still tired?" she asked and i nodded. "If we can both sleep I'll stay with you." I smiled sleepily and then instantly fell asleep.

This time I actually had a very good dream. It was about me being a troll again. I was smiling and laughing with the human girl. It was really fun.

I suddenly shot up out of me dream. I was panting and sweating. "What the heck is g9ing 9n here!?" I yelled very confused. The girl groaned next to me. "Kan ssshhhhh- I'm here." The girl murmured petting me. "Uh this is highly triggering." I said. "H-How are you talking??" The girl asked sitting up and rubbing her eyes sleepily. "Are you hungry we still have some apple-sauce." She turned to me and her eyes widened. "What the ever-loving fuck!?" She yelled and accidentally fell backwards out of the bed. "Miss that was uncalled f9r I suggest y9u switch y9ur v9ca6ulary t9 s9mething I c9nsider appr9priate in this matter." I stated staring at her. She shielded her eyes. "DUDE I HAVE NO TIME FOR THIS FOOLISHNESS IF YOU DO NOT GET SOME CLOTHES ON I WILL FREAKING CALL THE COPS!"

I looked down to see that indeed I had nothing on me. I quickly covered myself with her blanket. "D9 y9u have pants perhaps?" I asked blushing deeply. "Uh... Yeah let me go get my dad's old stuff." She said getting up and squinting at the floor while she walked out. "W9w I missed y9u..." I stated looking at my arms. "Here!" The girl yelled. I looked up to be hit in the face with some long black pants and a red sweater. "That t99 was highly uncalled f9r miss!!" I said.

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