bad dreams

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You smile as Kankri falls asleep. "How precious..." you say and kiss his head. 

it had only been about 4 hours and you already felt like he was your best friend. you decide to just watch a movie of some sort. "Bleh." you stated putting in a romance movie because it was the first one you had picked up. 

you fell asleep during the movie. you were having a nice dream about flowers and candy when a nice loud irratating obnoxious ear splitting skree!!!!! broke your happiness. You smiled. "There he is." you quickly stumbled into your room. Kankri was crying and screeching. "Awww my poor baby!" you quickly picked him up and cuddled him. For this one time he seemed to like someone in his personal bubble. He sniffled and stared up at you. "Did you have a bad dream?" you asked petting him. he nodded and held onto you for dearlife. "Dont worry im here." you cooed to him. after a while he fianlly calmed down.

"Are you still tired?" you asked. he nodded and sleepily rubbed his face. you smiled. "if we can both sleep i will stay with you if you need comfort."you said. He seemed to smile drowsily and fall asleep in your arms. *internal squealing* you lay down on your bed with him in your arms. you too finally drift to sleep.

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