Baths and Beds

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Kankri's POV

"I'm d9ne!" I told the human. It was hard not to get myself dirty when I had these little hands to eat with and the container in which my food was in was too steep for me to eat with my mouth. Suddenly the human's head fell onto the table and she was completely still. '9h n9 is she dead?!' I scuttled forward and started telling her to wake up. "Wake up, please? I d9nt want to 6e here all 6y myself! It's dark and has the m9st triggering things I have ever seen! Please wake up!" She moaned but kept her head on the table. "Y9u're alive thank g99dness! I was w9rried I'd have t9 get 9ff 9f the ta6le 6y myself. I think that w9uld be very hard given the fact that I'm n9t even 9ne eighth 9f it's size." I looked at myself. "I'm dirty May y9u please help me with washing myself? 6ut d9nt f9rget that y9u pretending t9 6e dead was als9 9ne 9f the m9st triggering things in y9ur human w9rld! I c9nsider that very scary and very rude! The games y9u humans play aren't even fun! They're b9ring and triggering and I 6elieve that y9u c9uld cause s9me9ne to go l99ny with all 9f it!" She lifted her head up and stared at me. "Staring is n9t p9lite miss!" I said. "You're all dirty Kan." She muttered. "Really y9u deserve a c99kie for figuring that 9ut!" I exclaimed slightly annoyed. "Time for a bath..." She said picking me up. "N9t t99 cl9se!" I reminded her. She then held me a little farther from her and sighed. 'She can't even understand me yet she figures it 9ut... Smart human.' I was carried into the bathroom and set on a towel. She then rubbed the back of her head. "Bath or sink?" She asked. I studied the sink. 'That thing is tight... Tight spaces trigger me.'

I pointed at the bath and she nodded. I sat as the human prepared a bath for me. '6etter make it just right 6ecause c9ld water makes me triggered t99.' "it's ready." she stated picking me up. "You ready?" she asked. I nodded and she slowly lowered me into the water. The water was perfect! "Wow you're pretty good." i said trying to keep my head above the water. she smiled. "You need help?" she asked. i took in a breath and nodded as best i could. i heard her giggle and put a hand under me to hold me up. I skreed at her. "You're welcome." she then picked up the baby shampoo...'9a9y? what's a 9a9y?' she poured some onto my head. it was cold! "get this stuff 9ff 9f me i am s9 triggered y9u have n9 idea i am g9ing t9 lecture y9u s9999 much after y9u get thr9ugh with this!" i screamed at her. she quickly washed my hair and then my body. She dunked me in the water and then dried me off. after that i was really tired. "Awww is wittle kankri tired?" she said giggling. i tried to give her a peice of my mind about mock but it just came out as a small skree. "so where do you want to sleep?" she asked. 'i heard that thing that looked like it was made of wood and cloth felt good to the humans. i pointed to it. "There..." "oh you really want to take a nap there? Okay." she layed me down on the cloth-wood structure and i instantly fell asleep.

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