Prologue (rewrite)

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Disclaimer: I don't own yugioh in any way shape or form everything here is made it up things that did not occur in the series. If you have any issues on the story directly message me. Enjoy the story!!!

A/n 2: I rewrote it cause I cringed really hard I plan to rewrite everything.

Long ago in a time were kings and queens ruled over lands having vast big kingdoms, having honorable citizens. There were two people from two different kingdoms, destined to be together.

*clears throat*

[1,000 B.C]

A prince no older than 20 named Atem Muto was the heir to the thrown when his father passed away at a young age, Atem became the ruler of Egypt, he lead his people to victory.

But as time went on he realized he need a heir to the thrown. Many, MANY women would throw themselves at the young pharaoh but none of them interested him, he wanted to find real love and not be with a women who only wants to be with him only for his looks or just be used to get anything they want. He wanted a wife that was strong independent, fearless and courageous.

A princess that turned 20 named (y/n) Alexandria was next in line to be the heir to the thrown. Not afraid to rule with or without a husband. She soon went onto the thrown, being the first knowing women in Ethiopia, to take the thrown as a women. She ruled with iron fist, she was loyal and fair to all her citizens treating everyone with respect. Her city slowly started to prosper in many things becoming one of the finest cities in the land!

But soon the queen and king know that faith would bring them along together in a unexpected turn.

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