Chapter 2

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(I drew that btw)

(Two Weeks Later)

Being on the boat for two weeks was utterly boring. So when you arrived to what you later find out later to be Egypt you saw how it was

"Sandy....lots and lots of sand" You said to yourself looking ahead

You covered your eyes slightly so you can look ahead and see more sand you got off the boat and onto the sand it burned the bottom of your foot kind of. You minded the slight burned of pain you kept walking till you saw a young man with blue eyes you raised your eyebrow looking at the man

"Who might you be?" You questioned slightly fixing your purplish white dress he only bowed his head a bit

"Forgive me I am Priest Seto" The tan like man said rising his head his eyes where bluish gray he towered over you but he didn't seem like no threat he had on a blue head piece with golden licking over the sides of it and one big golden snake in the middle he had on a blue golden robe on

You nod your head in understanding

"What is your name if you don't mind answering..." Seto said looking directly at you

You bowed a bit and closed your eyes "My name is (y/n) Alexandria the princess of Rome future queen" You said standing straight blinking as your (e/c) eyes stared at him once again

Seto nodded his head slightly turning away from you leading you the way to the palace

You followed him as your servants grabbed your luggage you sighed slightly getting to the door seeing it was very huge

Whatever king laid behind here you hope it was a kind one not one if those mean and rude ones that you have seen before

You gathered yourself as you heard the door open

Seto continue leading you, you saw how easy it was to get lost in this place Seto started to open his mouth and speak as you caught every word he was saying

"I imagine your hot princess wearing those thick clothes of yours the maids left some more suitable clothes on your bed it fits more better cause how hot it gets here" Seto finished up getting to a room door he was in fact right it was very hot out here and you would love to change your clothes you smiled sweetly at him

"Thank you Seto I truly appreciate it" You said and kept your smile he nodded his head and spoke again

"Also to mention that you and the pharaoh shall see each other at dinner when you are rested up and better please enjoy your stay princess (y/n)" Seto said and bowing and left you

You opened the wooden door slowly and walked into your room staring in amazement it was amazing, breathe taking

The room was covered in white walls a beautiful chandler hanging from the ceiling, king sized bed in the center with a covered being a beautiful blue color, another door with white blind covers with what you assumed leading outside to the porch with it having a view of the town you smiled slightly

"Maybe it won't be too bad here" You said as you walked more into the room shutting the door behind you and seeing the outfit on the bed

(Picture up above)

It was amazing outfit and so you deciding to wear the outfit you picked it up and brought it to the marble stone white bathroom as you go ready


You just got outta the shower and ran your hands through your (h/t) hair as you hummed to yourself the outfit you had already put on it if felt amazing it was very comfortable and hugged your curves amazing showing it off a lot

You gave the outfit a twirl and smiled making your way out of the bathroom


A knock was heard in my room I said softly

"Come in" The door opened reavling one of the maid she was shorter than me

"I came to escort you Princess (Y/n)" The lady said kindly at me I nodded my head and followed her

It was slience between the two of us

"What is he like? If you don't mind me asking" I said looking at the women she smiled

"I don't mind dear he is a lovely guy and is very caring" She said I nodded my head

'Well now I know he is caring and nice' I thought as I made it to the door

She opened it and bowed I slight bowed a bit to thank her as I walked in I saw a man at the head of the table he was laughing and smiling

I walked more foward as he stop what he was doing and got up walking to me

He was a slim figure he had on a purple cape with his hair being black, purple and golden his eyes being very hypnotizing as he smiled putting his hand out his skin was skin kissed brown as he had on a golden necklaces with a eye on it and a eye on his forehead

He was taller than me by a only 1 or 2 inchs

As he kept his smile he look down on me slightly as I was blushing so was he a bit cause his cheeks where turning lighter

I smiled a bit and look at him "Princess (Y/n) of the Rome Empires future queen" I said smiling as I shook his hand they where really soft

"Pharaoh Atem King of Egypt pleasure to meet you princess" He said chuckling and bring my knuckles to his mouth as he kissed them winking at me

If I could I would have died so fast right there he was rather a handsome man great jawline and soft lips

He chuckled again "Are you alright princess?" He asked as he walked on the side of me putting his arm around my hip

"You look rather excellent in these clothes" He said guiding him to my seat which was litteraly next to his

I thanked him quietly under my breathe

He look go of my hip and scouted to the seat out for me as I sat down he pushed the chair in for me as he got done he sat down next to me

'Well he is rather a nice gentleman' I thought as he chiefs brought out the food for us to eat

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