Chapter 5

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(Lemon Chapter) ((this is so f**king awkward...))

Atem kept a his husky voice at my ear and slowly dragged his hands down my body giving me slightly chills
"A-atem...?" I ask again again feeling his hands roam around my boobs and dragging his hands down on my hips starting to to slowly push against me
"I want you (y/n) I really want you right now..." Atem said kissing the sides of cheek and bitting my ear
"W-we can't A-atem we shouldn't do i-it till we are m-married" I said blushing a bit trying hard not to moan as I wrapped my arms around his neck bitting my lower lip
"Are sure you can wait that long your saying no but your body is saying yes" Atem said and slowly starting to bite my neck sucking on it
"A-Atem~ I moan softly as I started pushing against him
Atem kept bitting down on my neck and eventually starting to suck on the bite marks
"A-Ahh~ I say my being a bit outta breathe clutching onto the back side of his hair. I could hear a bit for his groans while tugging on his hair he made his way back up to my lips. Eventually kissed we stared into each other's eyes for a moment as Atem faintly smiles looking at me
    "(Y/n)..." Atem started off by saying and slowly lifted me up on the ground wrapping his arms and hands around my lower waist as I immediately wrapped my legs on his waist looking at him as he immediately set me down onto the bed staying ontop of me
"Tell me if I being to rough on you" Atem said breaking eye contact and immediately diving into my neck bitting down on it
"A-Atem~A-Ahh agh~! I say almost shouting from the sudden neck hitting as I fell him slowly drag down to chest area. Atem slowly sat me up and immediately got rid of the top I was now previously wearing as he started to bite on my chest I gently placed my hands on his head as he continued to mark me.
Once he was finished and felt a rather large hand on my right boob as something wet on left I look down at Atem with a wide blush and shutting my eyes almost immediately arching my back "Ahh Atem~ I say moaning enjoying the sensation that he is doing as he was roughly playing with boob and sucking/biting the other one.
Atem let go as he went to the other side to repeat the same action as he was enjoying your moaning and faint pants to his name as he was making you feel good, Atem moved away from your chest and sat up a bit wiping his mouth from the string of saliva that was attached to him as he bended his head back down and kissed on your stomach. It made you chuckle a bit cause it was so light and lovingly a bit.
  Atem made way to bottoms as he looked at you with permission as he tugged a bit on them "May I~? Atem questioned keeping eye contact with you his voice was deeper than usual and he looked more attractive, you nodded your head in approval as Atem smirked a bit faintly he tugged on your bottoms pulling them down with his teeth as he sat up inbetween your legs looking down at your exposed body, Atem was in a daze looking down at your exposed parts as he licked his lips a bit.
You shut your legs or more like attempted to as you were embarrassed "D-don't just stare..." You stammered out as you hid yourself a bit. You felt your arm being slammed down at you saw Atem face to face with you he was mostly glaring slightly at you with smirk
'Curse this hot man' You thought looking at him as he started to speak
"Don't tell me what do (y/n), especially since I will make you scream" Atem warned saying a bit possessively which was really hot to you, you stared into his eyes feeling yourself being pulled into a trance as you nodded your head
"Y-Yes Atem" You said shutting your eyes a bit, you felt the release of your wrist as something being shoved and moved around in you, you immediately jolted in your spot as you opened your eyes your as something was being pushed into your mouth.
"Agh—At-Ugh—Atem~ You mumble out as you see Atem watching his two fingers in your mouth as his two other fingers were in you scissoring you. You kept moaning and moving around "Suck them" Atem demanded as he was referring to his fingers in your mouth, you did as you were told and suck on his fingers gagging a bit. You heard Atem lowly groan and it made you want to keep going
"Dammit (Y/n) if you keep sucking like that I will surly loose myself again" Atem said as kept moving in and out inside of you as you stop sucking his fingers and started moan "A-ahh a-atem" You said moaning again and arching your back.
Atem moved his fingers outta of you as he slowly pulled down his clothes off teasingly, you were currently rubbing or trying to rub your legs together from the heat you felt, you stopped almost immediately as your legs were being spread apart as far possible you looked at atem member in amazement
"It w-won't fit" You said as became slightly nervous you heard a deep chuckle coming from Atem as he rubbed his member up down as he had slight precum coming out.
"Don't worry my baby I will make sure it fits~ Atem said as he started to position himself infront of you and slowly pushing into you
  A shiver ran down your back as your eyes started to roll back your tongue slightly sticking out as drool was coming out of your mouth "A-ahh at-atem to b-big~ You said as you were gripping onto the bedsheets
"F-fuck (y-y/n) your a-so tight" Atem said as he finally got all of himself in you as he stayed still panting and hitting on your neck trying to distract you from the pain you felt
You wrapped your arms around atem neck moaning a bit in pain "A-atem it h-hurts" You said as you kept still
Atem moved his head up to look at you, Atem presses his forehead against yours still keeping eye contact "S-shh it is o-Okay (y/n) the p-pain will eventually feel l-like pleasure g-give it a few ahh~ m-minutes" Atem said looking at you and tried to smile as he felt pain also, he kissed on your cheek in a loving way for a few minutes
You moved a bit and clenched onto him moaning a bit "A-atem m-move"
Atem without a second thought immediately listened to you as he thrusted slowly in and out "Ahh~(y/n) you feel so good~" Atem moaned out as sat up a bit panting as he kept moving slowly picking up the pace a bit
"F-faster at-atem g-go f-faster—Ahh~ l-like that a-atem~! You moaned out feeling almost slamming into you as you moaned loudly enjoying the pleasure he was giving you.
"Ahh~ Dammit (Y/n) you so f-fucken good, and your moans are so beautiful keep screaming my name baby~! Atem said started to slowly pound into you as he watched your face and how your body was recreating to it, he watched your boobs bounce up down every time he rammed into you, he watched as you kept making lewd expression when he pounded in and out
"You like this you naughty wife don't you~? Atem questioned as he towered over you and lifted your hips up higher hitting your g-spot
"A-Ahh y-yes i d-do?~ You moaned out arching your back as you shut your eyes unable to see anything as you were enjoying everything "A-ATEM!~" You had screamed our feeling him hit your g-spot repeatedly
"Please don't s-stop" You moaned as you moved with his thrust more and more
  If any dared to walk by and hear what was going on this room all they would hear is moaning and skin slapping widely back and fourth, as you two continued the loving moment it slowly started to become slower
"A-atem I am g-going to c-cum" You Warned as you were on the brink of releasing
"G-go ahead b-baby~ Atem said as you immediately released afterwords getting his member covered in white liquid he kept thrusting into you as he pulled out feeling himself releasing he pumped himself a few times before fully releasing onto your stomach.
You twitched a bit feeling his hot sperm all on your stomach "Ahh a-atem" You said quietly seeing him sit up in-front of you looking down at his work. Seeing your hair sprawled out every-where hickeys and bite marks all of your chest claiming you as his and his only he smirked a bit "Let's take a shower yeah?" Atem said looking at you playful
You painted slightly sitting up opening your eyes a bit "S-sure" You said as you were being lifted up by Atem to go and take a bath.
(( I need to wash my hands now, enjoy this month/ year delay sorry about that guys 🤦‍♀️))

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