Chapter 1 rewrite

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A/n: why tf did you guys read this, this horrible grammar but I rewrote it and wow u cringed at my bad grammar

(Your P.O.V)
"You have come of age (Y/n) and you need a suitor"  My mother said fixing my dress I sighed more shutting my eyes looking at her and saying quietly since we have this talk every morning

"Yes mom I am very aware I need a suitor you tell me every time I wake up, instead of goodmorning "  I said looking at her smiling chuckling

"Well good morning find me a suitor I want some grand babies before I die" Mom said putting her hands on her hips as she chuckled grabbing my hand gently leading me to the throne room where my father was located at

She continued on saying "Also (y/n) Father and I have been thinking, he had a friend he grew up with almost years ago and unfortunately passed away his son just like you is looking for a wife and you seem to fit all the requirements so we took the chance and will be sending you to Egypt" My mother said getting quiet at the end as she chuckled clearing her throat

"Surprise...?" My father said with jazz hands his eyes shut

"More like my death wish, why would you send me to Egypt? It's non interesting and very much boring with nothing TO DO!!!" I said trying to keep my voice calm but yelling at the end

My dad only flared at me as I stiffen up only nodding bowing my head "Apologize, I guess will go to Egypt? Just don't ruin the kingdom" I said joking around

"Now you will go and meet this man you understand unless you want something bad to happen?" My father said I rolled my eyes at his usually threat I nodded my head

"Good! We will see you soon my daughter I love you and make sure to get packed"  He said in a deep raspy voice

"I love you too dad" I said in a chuckle only bowing to my parents and leaving to to my room to start getting packed for my journey

(Time Skip)

(Second POV)

"Bye honey I love you goodluck, remember eye on prize grand children " Your mom said smiling patting your head

You rolled your eyes as you sighed "I love you too mom and we will see"

You slowly walked outta of the castle heading towards the ocean shore where the boat was arriving for you

You were wearing a white silk gown with red roses on it with that outfit you wore a laced white headband with a golden necklace.
You sighed picking up your dress bottom and looking towards the shore waiting for the boat

(Time Skip)

You saw the boat arrive as servants started to go ahead of you putting your things on board

"This trip is better be fucken worth it" You said waking into the boat and onto deck looking out over the ocean wondering what the king look like

You slowly saw your land, your kingdom slowly and slowly start to become smaller and smaller you took a deep breathe in only letting out a deep sigh "Let's hope he isn't perverted" You said really to nobody as you held your temples a bit massaging them

"The trip should take two days, he must be close by then I was expecting a week at sea but thank goodness" You said talking to yourself on the balcony looking up at the blue sky wondering what only the gods had in store for you.

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