Chapter 6

564 18 5

Word Count: 1093
—Time Skip To Morning-
As that erotic night was played off, it was morning time throughout the place. As already you expected it Yami was already gone from the bed, in the thrown room as duty called for the young king. (Y/n) was slowly waking up from the bed her hair being spread across the bed as she slowly arose.
(Y/n POV)
As I slowly woke up, I felt the sun already on me as I yawned a bit feeling the side next to me. As yami was gone, he wasn't next to me. I slowly sat up in the bed and rubbed the sleep outta my eye as stretched my arms out. I attempted to move my body around and sit up but failed miserably from the actions that happened last night, I was sore....well at least down there...

As I say up in the bed, a thought were ran through my head a bit.

"𝐷𝑖𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡?"

Was all you could really think as you slowly got out of bed. You slowly stood up as your body was it was achy. You slowly leaned against the wall for support to help yourself walk better. As you were close to the door it randomly swung open.

To your surprise you saw a girl a bit taller than you that had beautiful brown skin, with big brown eyes that if one stared at too long they would get lost in it. She had on a white silk strapless shirt that was very in a way puffy that stopped at her stomach where golden like belt held her skirt on the lower part of her waist you can tell she was very fit and in shape. She had in Golden like shoes that reached the top of her knee, she also had on a golden colored cape and a nice headpiece that fit perfectly on head that had charms of red hearts and pink flowers.

She smiled at you as you slightly blushed at her perfectly white teeth as you stayed in your positions leaning against the wall.

"Um hi...can I help you?" You said trying not to seem rude but jealous took the best of you as she was in your guessing now boyfriend(?) room. She chuckled as she walked forward too you as she got closer you were able to see her long eyelashes, a couple of freckles she had here and there on her face. You heard a clicking noise seeing it slightly hit against her boots. It was a golden handle with swirls going up to a colored axe. Your eyes widen in disbelief.

She saw what you were staring at and only laughed as she caught your attention

"Not here to harm you, or whatever bloody picture your thinking in your head" She said waving her hands out in-front of her putting them down "King Atem asks for your presents, it's high past morning and wishes for you to have brunch with him and get to know everyone in the castle...since you got to know him yesterday last night I must say" She said looking at you as she only held a smile on her face.

You instantly blushed looking at her wide eyed
"H-how do you know that?" You questioned moving back to the bed as it was getting harder to stand up...especially against the wall

"Nighttime is the time when most of his guards are up, making sure of no intruders break in" She said watching you sit back down "Plus you guys were really loud..." she added on

That made you cross your arms a bit looking at her "Who are you and why you listening in on us?" You said in factor time pouting

"You will soon find out.., but for now let's just get you changed" She hummed out as she walked out the door to get some clothes.
—Time Skip—
As you were yet again with the pig tailed women following her to the dinning hall, you heard quiet but chatter as she slowly opened the door. Atem was sitting as head of the table as she was talking to some people you personally didn't recognize. He stood up immediately catching eye of you

"Ah! (Y/n) there you are, I was starting to thinking you wouldn't want to have brunch" He said in a playful tone getting up guiding you to the table sitting on his right side from him. As the maids all came out serving a full table of food for everyone. You looked at everyone then at Atem

"Who are all these people?" You questioned almost in a whisper looking over to Atem who smiled at your curiosity

"These are no ordinary people, these people are the millennial item holders, each chosen or pass down to from generations to the next"

Your eyes widen in disbelief as you only heard it as a myth as you frantically looked around at all the people staring at them as they all stared at you.

"Nice going you freaked her out" The girl from earlier said sitting on the left side of him munching away on a salad siting next to her was the Priest Seto. As you looked at each one you notice the gold or the items on there body.
—3rd Person—
As (Y/n) was freaking out, Atem sighed as Seto looked at him "You could have done better than just saying these are millennial items holder" He grumbled quietly.

Atem sweat-dropped a bit as he turned to (Y/n) "Are you okay, drink some water. These people won't harm you in any shape or form" Atem said confidently towards the end but overall very sweet to (Y/n).

-A couple Minutes Later-
After (Y/n) calmed down the people around the table finally introduced themselves.
Mana holding the millennial ring
Shady holding the millennial key
Seto holding the millennial rod
Isis holding them millennial necklace
Atem actual holding the millennial puzzle and scale
"So what about you? You haven't given me your name or what you hold" (Y/n) said a bit questionable
"Oh I hold the millennial headpiece" She said pointing to the top of her curly head "Also my name is Nani" She hummed out

"These are my loyal sacred guardians" Atem said smiling at each one of them
(A/n: sorry for late update I will get better soon)

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