Chapter 3

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~Rabbit ❤️

I was sitting down as I heard the servants coming as they served us amount of good food like (f/c) which I had my eye on and other interesting stuff that I would try out later

I slowly started to dig into my food eating as the taste was so lasting and felt like it melted into my mouth when taking bites of the food

Atem seemed to notice that I was enjoying the food as he spoke up a bit "Enjoying the food?" He question as I glanced up looking at him I did a small nod

"Yes it is rather very good, better than home they make it back where I am from" I Said smiling at him a bit getting done with the food as servants took our plated away I wiped my mouth from any remaining food that was on my face

" would you go and like to do?" I question trying not to act awkward trying to attempt to start a conversation

Atem stood up and looked down at me "I was hoping that you would like me to escort you too the garden where we could maybe talk more there" He said making his way towards me as he was blushing slightly he held out his hand for me to take as I gladly accepted smiling

I stood up and kept hold of Atem hand until I put my arm around his arm slightly holding on it letting him guide me

Atem guided me to the garden as he opened the door to it, my eyes where amazed "W-wow atem it is so beautiful" I said looking around seeing all different type of flowers

He chuckled a bit and said "Thank you very much princess, these are only a few bit of flowers that the garden has to offer cause I have the maid plant more the flowers a bit outside the palace" He said as he kept guiding me as we sat on the bench

"The moon high in the sky the stars shinning what a perfect night" I said looking up in the skies watching the stars twinkle

Atem hummed in agreement

As we went on to say Atem was looking at me as I felt eyes on me I look at Atem seeing his purple eyes as a smile was on his face"(Y/n) tell me what is your favorite flower and why?" He asked out of no where

I thought for a moment till coming to a decision "I would think Alstroemeria and why I think because my mom would plant those all over the house saying it was good luck" I said my hand on my chin as I continue to think

"I think you would be Orchid" Atem said smiling at me as I raised a eyebrow "Why a orchid?" I question a bit keeping my eyebrow raised

"I say Orchid cause that flower means many different things like exotic beauty, refinement, thoughtfulness, and mature" Atem said looking at my blushed covered face

"A-ah th-thank y-you" I stammered out blushing as he took my hand kissing it making my blush worst he smiled widely "I am only stating what is true my princess..." He said as he look up at me as I looked away feeling a tug on my chin my eyes going back to him as he was very, very close to me as I started to freak out a bit

"Don't look anywhere else please I just want your eyes to look at me" Atem said in a rather child like voice why I only smiled and looking at him as he held my chin "Of course" I said chucking as I he slowly started to lean in as I did the same we where only a few inchs away from each other as one of his General came through the garden interrupting are moment

"Pharaoh Atem what in Ra name are you doing out in the garden the servants have been looking for you" I think his name was Seto said crossing his arms as Atem let go of my chin

"What do they need me for?" Atem question moving father away from me as I sighed a bit "I don't know I didn't bother to ask all they said they need you" Seto said coldly and made me shiver as his voice was low. Atem made a 'tch' noise as Seto rolled his eyes walking away from Atem and me

Atem pinched his noise and sighed "I am so sorry Princess I didn't attend on this to happen I will walk you to your room if you would like" He said as I stood up as I locked his arm with mines as we walked towards the garden door exiting the garden

"Did you enjoy yourself Princess?" he question as he glanced at me I nodded my head only thinking about the that might of happen if Seto didn't reunion it regardless I nodded my head and smiled

"Yes I did, thank you so much for a wonderful evening" I said turning my head towards him as we got my room since we weren't it was not allowed to sleep in the same bed as I started to open the door to my room I felt a strong arm around my waist it was kinda surprised me

"Ekk.." I said a bit scared forgetting Atem was there, Atem pinned me agasint the wall shutting the door with his feet looking down at me I was blushing looking up at him seeing he was just staring at me

"Y-yes A-atem?" I said nervously as he held his pin on me as he kept looking down at me as he slowly made his way down to my ear as his husk voice said ....


This is up too you! You decided what atem does to you this either turn out to be

A lemon next chapter


A fluff next chapter

Please please comment on which chapter you would like to see if not I will decided !


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