Jimmy Olsen, Robin, Grover Underwood ... familiar names? They all have one thing in common, it is the wonderful ability to be the perfect sidekick. A friend/associate of a more popular, charismatic person. The sidekick gains most of his/her acclaim from merely being connected so closely to the more powerful acquaintance. Sidekicks can be found anywhere from comic books (where the term began) to the workplace and schoolyard..... that's Urban dictionary's take on a sidekick. Now that is exactly what I have had the opportunity of being subjected to several times in my life... okay, who am I kidding that's pretty much who I have been for my entire 16 years of existence. Some people say it's sad being a sidekick but I beg to differ, there are quite a few advantages to being a sidekick. let's check out a few:-
• You get to meet several famous people because of your popular best friend.
• You become a social "butterfly" (I'd rather refer to it as "social leech" that sucks out popularity from other's lives and survives on that... I'm just kidding)
• You receive special services from random people BECAUSE of your popular friend
Yeah, those are some of the advantages of being a sidekick if you look into the issue closely I'm pretty sure you could find more.
Anyway with that being said let's find out how I managed to deal with life being a sidekick (sure it has its advantages but come on how long can you ACTUALLY survive as one?)
HumorJimmy Olsen, Robin, Grover Underwood ... familiar names? They all have one thing in common, it is the wonderful ability to be the perfect sidekick. A friend/associate of a more popular, charismatic person. The sidekick gains most of his/her acclaim...