It's All Coming Back To Me Now

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~I finished crying in the instant that you left and I can't remember where or when or how. And I banished every memory you and I had ever made. But, when you touch me like this and you hold me like that, I just have to admit that it's all coming back to me.~


Alice knew what came next, which is exactly why she found herself standing outside of FP Jones' front door in the middle of the afternoon. She wasn't drunk, this wasn't erratic – in fact, for the first time in years, she was thinking straight. It was time that she stop fighting the fact that the relationship that never worked out in high school was quite possibly the one thing she knew she needed presently. Her life was in shambles. Polly had walked out on them and never looked back, Hal was off God knows where, probably still living with that concubine of a Blossom woman, she had evicted Chic from her house, and Betty recently hadn't even been living with her.

Thank god she was back now, but Alice was only waiting for the day that she left for good and never returned. When it came down to it, she didn't want to find herself alone. This whole time, before everything fell apart, she may have had a picture-perfect family, but she was still alone. Alone with her thoughts, alone with her schemes, alone with her obsession of perfection. Things were different now, she didn't care anymore. She didn't care that she was spending time on the Southside, she didn't care that her daughter was dating the Serpent Prince, she didn't care that she was wearing a snakeskin blouse this afternoon, she didn't care.

She wanted it all back, the life that she once had. She just wanted to be herself again. And she knew full well that she could never be her true self if FP Jones was missing from her. She knew that it sounded just like something that Polly would read in one of her romance novels, but he completed her. He always had. She thought that maybe, just maybe, he was the one person in her life that would never allow her to feel alone. They'd made mistakes in their youth, they both had. But, it was time to get over that. It was time to find out what went wrong all those years ago and fix it. It was time to stop blaming each other and start trying to make up for lost time. It was time.

~There were moments of gold and there were flashes of light, there were things we'd never do again but then they'd always seemed right. There were nights of endless pleasure, it was more than any laws allow.~

She straightened her coat and stared at the door, wondering if she was really doing this before steeling herself and raising her hand to knock on his trailer door. She hoped that he would accept her, she hoped that he would slam the door in her face, she hoped that he would understand everything just by seeing her face, she hoped that they wouldn't fight, she hoped that maybe they could finally start to pick up the broken pieces of their tragic relationship. The only real love she'd ever known. It was terrifying, but it had always been terrifying. That was what told them both that it was real.

~If I kiss you like this and if you whisper like that, it was lost long ago but it's all coming back to me. If you want me like this and if you need me like that, it was dead long ago but it's all coming back to me. It's so hard to resist and it's all coming back to me. I can barely recall but it's all coming back to me now.~

When FP opened his door to find Alice Cooper standing before him, he was surprised but he couldn't say that he was shocked. She had a familiar look in her eyes, and it was in fact their eyes that did all the talking. She knew what she wanted, and she was fully prepared to get it. He knew that there was no arguing with her and Lord knows he had no interest in arguing. This was the moment that he'd been waiting for since he ran into her after Jughead's disastrous birthday party at the Andrews residence. The moment that Alice Cooper finally got over herself and stopped pretending to be something that she wasn't.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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