(28) Cinnabon.

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Starry: Everyone! Say your favorite spices out loud! Go!

Starry: Ginger!

Carrot: Garlic!

Mabel: Cinnabon!

Carrot: Cinnabon is a bakery restaurant, you cinnamon roll!-

Mabel: Cinnabon, is a spice!

Starry: You mean, "cinnamon," right?

Mabel: No iT'S CINNABON-

Starry: You know, you can say that if I asked you your favorite bakeries, but nOOO- I asked your favorite spices!

Carrot: Agreed.

Mabel: Cinnabon is layf Cinnabon love- I can't throw my chances away. *daydreams about cinnamon rolls in Cinnabon*

Carrot: ...

Carrot: Can someone just go to the store and buy this girl a cinnamon roll?-

( request by Lbarse ahaha ily May Twin .///. )

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