Chapter 2

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Emily Rudd as Arabella Seto


The next few days went by in a blur. There wasn't much action in my life during that time. Then again, I wasn't asking for trouble.

I know that I tried hard to keep all the memories at bay, tried to keep myself strong but that wasn't working very well for me anymore.

My time spent over the past little while was not spent very well. It mostly consisted of sleeping, eating, watching some movies, eating, and repeat. Both my mom, my brother, and my close friend Jason did their best to get me out of bed with no luck from either one of them. I seriously just wasn't having it.

My cold facade lasted a few days, but now it was time to actually grieve the death of Lindsey. This is just what happens in the end. I know that crying does nothing for me at this point but I'm not sure that I can really stop.

Today though, things felt a little different. The sun was shining a little brighter through the curtains this morning. I could faintly hear the birds chirping outside. I could faintly smell breakfast cooking downstairs. That was a first. Seems like a morning straight from a book, I thought dully.

Normally in the morning my mother set my brother up with a bowl of cereal. It had been forever since she had cooked anything at all. I was starting to question her cooking skills. It was usually me or Jason making breakfast. Maybe Jason just decided to swing by for the morning. Not exactly the first time this has happened.

Lazily, I rolled myself out of bed, stretching my arms high above my head. My mind wasn't completely finished grieving for Lindsey but it was a start in the least.

It took me some time but I was able to put myself together enough to look presentable. I attempted to pat down my hair, smoothing it. Under usual circumstances this extremely hard task would have taken longer then usual but the laughter from downstairs was perking my interest. The house had never been this lively before.

Pushing open my bedroom door, I peeked out into the hallway before stepping out into the small space. Little feet sounded from downstairs, quickly heading up toward me. It was no surprise when my little brother Leon came bounding up the stairs with a large smile on his face.

"Dylan! Papa's waiting for you!" He squealed delightedly.

There was no mistaking the shock that crossed my face. I myself could just just feel it. "Dad's home?" I whispered, taking a hesitant step toward the small boy.

It had been years since dad had come back here. He often left on 'business trips' but both me and mom thought otherwise. There was no reason for him to return back here. He might as well just leave for good. His reputation though would pay the price.

Leon took my hand and quickly began to pull me down the stairs, in the direction of the kitchen. I could make out my mother's voice along with another male's. It was more deeper then I remembered but it was definitely his voice for sure.

When I stepped through the door into the kitchen, everyone's eyes landed on me. My mother looked almost relived that I was finally coming out of my room. My father on the other hand just studied me for a few moments before a large grin broke out across his face.

"You've grown so much since I last saw you." My father stated, bringing me in for a hug.

I can say that it wasn't very comfortable on my end. He was rarely around and now he was acting as if he actually cared about me. Cared about us.

"I can say the same about you." I muttered mostly to myself before pulling out of his arms.

My brother was squealing for attention from the man in our kitchen. He took no time to scoop up the small child, turning quickly before setting him on his hip.

I took the chance to glance over at my mother who seemed to be in the same state I was. She didn't like the idea of him showing up out of nowhere but was doing her best to seem welcoming to the man she had once loved. She was doing it for Leon. She wanted him to have as much as a father figure as he possibly could. even if it was as rare as this.  

There was no way I could stand here and watch all of this happened. I simply grabbed one of the waffles from the cracked white dish on the table before turning to leave.

"Go out and do something." My father spoke, quiet enough for me to hear, making me stop in my tracks. "I know you're hurting but you must move on from the pain. I can't make you stop feeling what you're feeling but I can at least try and help you cope. Jason is coming over to pick you up later. You guys are going down to track and doing some racing. Money is on the table by the front door. Go have fun." And with that he turned back to my mother and brother.

I was speechless. There was no way this was actually happening. He had never been here or us before, so what was the big change now?There must be more into this then he was implying.

Despite my thoughts, sure enough, sitting by the front door was an envelope of money, my name printed neatly on the front. So this was really happening?


Jason was hollering up the stairs just as I slipped on my black converse. Me and Jason had been going to the track for years. It was an easy way for us to get some quick cash every now and then. It was situated down in the woods. People cleared out an area for the track. It's nothing fancy but it sure draws many people over there.

Me and Jason had saved enough money to buy an old black mustang. It took a lot of money, a lot, and the time to fix it up. But it was worth it. The car is one of the best in the races. We're almost guaranteed to win each time, not to sound full of myself. We have had a few slip ups, but nothing too major.

"Dude," Jason scoffed, interrupting my thoughts as I hurried down the stairs. "Change your style once in a while, it's getting pretty generic." eyeing the black jeans and white t-shirt I had pulled on.

"Don't worry 'bout it dear old brother." I stated sweetly, grabbing my leather jacket from the coat rack along with the envelope of money. "We'll do good no matter what I wear. Plus I make it work. Doubt I could say the same for you though," giving him a side eye.

He laughed, stepping out of the way to let me head outside. "Of course you would think that, I didn't mean to offend you pretty-boy," he joked, shoving my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and trudged toward the black car parked in the driveway. Hearing the beep, I opened the door, sliding into the driver's seat. "Just get in the car Jason." I muttered, waving a hand. My fingers turning the ignition, the car into drive.

"You know, maybe I would like to drive sometimes." Jason pointed out, but got into the passenger seat anyway, buckling himself up in the process.
"But nobody drives like me." I insisted, backing out of the driveway and onto the street.

Jason didn't say anything but turned on the radio, the volume getting turned out loud. He was singing but it was hard to hear over the volume of the music.

That was what I liked about Jason. He knew exactly what to do to make things more enjoyable. That was one of the reasons why he was my best friend. There was no one quite like him in this world. He truly was one of a kind. A bit of an annoyingly great brother I guess. Sometimes more like bother.

Despite the thoughts running through my mind, I found a smile on my face as me and Jason bellowed the lyrics to some pop song, both of us just enjoying the company of the other.

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