Chapter 8

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°Dylan Garcia°

Monday through Friday went by really slowly. There wasn't a lot happening her in the school. Not anything actually.

Arabella hadn't shown up for any of those days and nobody seemed to really care. Nobody noticed.

Considering what happened on her first day here I wasn't surprised to see many notes tapped to her locker during the following week. I took it upon myself to remove the notes and throw them away. She really didn't need to see those.

Rebecca had been clinging onto me more then usual which wasn't exactly something to scream about. But long story short she's coming to the race with me and Jason tonight.

Although all of this happened, My thoughts kept straying to Arabella. Fear that something might have happened to her. After the incident on Monday with the red Prius I wasn't sure what to expect. Maybe she got hit? Then again it would have been on the news.

Ill be able to understand things a little easier when we head down to the track later tonight. If she's there like she said she would, Ill get the answers that I wanted.


So then I found myself sitting in the passenger's seat with Jason in the drivers. Rebecca sitting in the back seat. This wasn't the first time she had come to the race but this time she was actually driving with us.

Like usual Jason had the music blasting and was singing along with it. Rebecca joined in and I can say she has a horrible voice.

I kept quiet though, my mind still trying to focus on what might have happened to Arabella. I still needed answers on that bruise I had seen on Monday.

When we got the race the first thing I saw was her white corvette. It was already at the racing line, another car pulled up beside it.

I got out of the car and stood by the side while Jason went to Jackson to pay for a race. Rebecca trailed after me and kept close to my side. I didn't pay much attention to her though, my focus on the upcoming race.

The gunshot sounded and the cars jumped forward, both of them trying to gain the upper hand. Arabella's corvette was way ahead and would easily finish in first place.

As predicted she finished in first. Her competitor left the track and she rolled her window down a bit to stick her hand out, making a circling motion with her finger.

She was going again.

Jason pulled up beside her and revved the engine. She did the same and the countdown began. I knew that Jason was going to lose but he would at least come in a close second.

As we waited for the countdown begin, Rebecca took a step in front of me and took both of my hands, looking up at me with a seductive smile. "We should go somewhere else. Somewhere more private." She told me, titling her head slightly.

I just shook my head and looked to the track as the countdown began. "I'm here to watch the race. Not screw off with you." I told her just as the shot was fired.

Jason and Arabella were both giving it there best. For a moment a thought that maybe he would pass her but as they rounded the final corner she was able to cut in front of him, finishing off the race.

Rebecca was surprised but I wasn't. I was expecting this. No one could beat Arabella. Not even us. She was a master when it came to racing.

Jason and Arabella moved off the track, heading for the back where they could park. I began to head back there with Rebecca clinging to my arm the whole way.

When he got to the back parking lot Jason was leaning up against the car and Arabella still hadn't gotten out of hers. He was looking over there expectantly but she still didn't get out.

I came to stand by Jason, telling him he did pretty good.

Right after I went straight to her car.

I leaned up against the side of the car, knocking on the driver's window. At first I was met with nothing but then she finally stepped out of the car.

Arabella didn't look very good.

Her hair was pulled into a pony tail and she was wearing sweatpants and a baggy sweater. She looked tired and worn down. I didn't think she would be like this.

She got out and looked at me, pleading. For what I didn't know. "Please just leave me alone." She whispered, wrapping her arms around herself.

I couldn't help but frown, standing up straight and looking down at her smaller figure. "Where were you the past few days? What happened?"

"I was sick." She said quickly, shaking her head. "It doesn't matter. Just leave me alone. I don't want to be friends or anything. Just leave me alone."

Even with what she was telling me I could tell that it wasn't true. She was lying straight through her teeth and for what? Nothing was adding up or making any sense. There was so much that she was leaving out.

"Arabella just hang on." I started, taking a step towards her but she took a step back.

"Goodbye Dylan. Don't talk to me again." And with that she turned and left.

I was shocked. None of my questions had been answered, more just coming into my mind. She was avoiding me, trying to keep me from finding something out. It wasn't going to work.

"I'm going after her." I told Jason, coming to stand beside him and Rebecca. She didn't look to happy.

"You're supposed to be with me tonight Dylan. Not her." She told me, crossing her arms and pouting. She wasn't making me want to stay. Just making me want to leave even more.

"I was never with you and I won't ever be with you." I stated. This made her more angry but I really didn't care. I had something else that I needed to do.

I needed to at least know one thing before she left. I didn't care how long it would take. I would stay all night if I had to.

When I neared the paying station Arabella was just coming back with her earnings for the night. She frowned seeing me and was about to move around me.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her along with me, behind the bathrooms. She didn't fight me which I found odd but then again maybe I was right. Maybe there was something more she wasn't telling me.

She finally pulled her hand from my grasp as we came along the back of the building but I was quick to put her back to the wall, my arms on either side of her body to trap her in front of me.

Her eyes were filled with fear and uncertainty. I never thought I would see her look at me in such a way. She was actually afraid of me.

"Tell me the truth." I said quietly, keeping my eyes locked on hers.

Arabella stayed silent for a moment. She was mostly leaning on the wall to keep herself up. She was shaking a little that I could also tell.

"I told you. I was just Sick for the past few days. There's nothing else." She muttered, looking away for a moment.

Arabella lifted her hand up and placed it against my chest, shoving me lightly. She went to move away but I held tight to her wrist, keeping her pressed up against the wall.

"Tell me the truth Bella." I growled lightly, moving closer to her. "I know there's something more to this then you're letting on."

And so I watched as tears filled her eyes, biting down on her tongue to try and stop them but it was too late by now. Arabella fell apart right in front of me.


Ohhhhhhhhh Ya'll weren't expecting that now, were you?

Do you think Arabella will tell Dylan what's up?

Do you think Dylan will do anything bad?

Find out in the next chapter!!

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