Chapter 9

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I was quick to pull Arabella into my arms, her soft sobs muffled from where she had her face buried into my chest.

There was a lot I was expecting but this was not one of them.

I've never had to comfort someone like I do in this moment so I just kept her folded into my arms, hiding her away from the world around us.

She needed to know that I was only trying to help, nothing else at the moment.

I turned so that my back was up against the wall and she was leaning into me, my hand lightly running over the back of her head. She needed a shoulder to cry on so I was here.

She didn't have to tell me what was wrong right now. She could wait until she had calmed down enough. Even then she could tell me when she was ready. I just wanted to know why she was avoiding me.

Arabella eventually began to calm down, her sobs turning to light whimpers and sniffles.

"Shh, Bella." I whispered. "Talk to me."

In that moment I was brought back to the last conversation with Lindsey. There was something off about her but I still left. I left her on her own when she needed me the most. I wasn't going to make the same mistake this time. I was going to stay till I knew she was alright.

"There's just so much stress." She answered, resting her forehead against my chest.

I looked down at her and nodded a little. I understood where she was coming from. I had been through the same thing at one point.

"Why did you run away Though?" I questioned. "I would have helped you."

She stayed silent for a moment before lifting her head and looking up at me. "You don't need to deal with my problems. I'm not good for you." She told me, pulling away just a bit so I was no longer touching her.

"That's nonsense. I want to be able to help you with your problems. Even if you don't want me to. That's what friends are for right?"

I wanted her to trust me. Trust me enough so that she knew I would be there to help her through that stress. She probably didn't know anyone here considering she had just moved to the town and I wanted to make that easier for her.

She stiffened but nodded a little at my words. Arabella rubbed her eyes with her palms and took in a deep breath. "I have to get going." She said softly, putting her hands over her face.

I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, beginning to walk with her back to the cars. "Just don't forget what I told you. Ill be here to help with whatever you want me to."

Arabella nodded once again, leaning into me just a little. I decided to just drop my other question at the moment but would be sure to talk to her about the other things later. Now wasn't the time to grill her.

°Arabella Seto°

I couldn't tell him truth. I thought about it in that moment as he leaned in closer but I couldn't risk it. The pain that was to come if he decided to act on my words. It wouldn't be good for me.

So I said the first thing that came to mind.

I was overwhelmed by stress. Considering how he carried on afterwards told me that my answer was good enough for the time being. I just hoped that he wouldn't ask anymore questions that I couldn't answer.

Dylan wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we began to walk back to the cars.

I knew that Jason and that other Girl, Rebecca, I think her name was, were waiting for us at Dylan's car. I didn't want them to see me like this so I pulled away from Dylan to walk on my own, tucking my hands into my pockets.

If he was hurt by my actions he didn't show it at all. He hid it perfectly actually. His face was devoid of emotion. He knew as well as I did it seemed.

Jason looked puzzled as he saw us come around the side of the bathroom. He wiggled his eyebrows and smirked a little but Dylan just shook his head.

Rebecca on the other hand seemed to be pretty angry seeing us together. Were her and Dylan together? By the way she acted it seemed like they were but I was in no place to make assumptions.

As ne and Dylan came to stand by the other two I extended my hand to Jason and he shook it, smiling down at me. "Nice racing. Too bad it wasn't good enough." I teased.

Jason pouted playfully, his blue eyes locking with mine. "That's no fair Bella. You probably have more experience then me." He pointed out before smiling once again.

I rolled my eyes and took a step back, coming to stand beside Dylan once again. "You'll just have to practise more, you too Dylan." I added, glancing over at the dark haired male.

For once, Dylan genuinely smiled instead of the smirks that he constantly gave me. "You might just be right." He murmured softly before he looked down at me, his eyes softening.

I couldn't help but keep my gaze on him. He seemed to have the same idea because he didn't look away.

Dylan's eyes were dark, Not like Jason's but they were still beautiful. They were always brimming with so much emotion no matter the situation.

Rebecca cleared her throat and I gasped a little, looking over at the her. Her green eyes were locked on me and narrowed into slits. "Excuse me." She started, placing her hands on her hips.

"You're flirting with my man here and I don't appreciate it." She snapped, crossing her arms over her chest.

Jason and me mirrored the same expression of shock. There was no way he was with Rebecca, right? There was no way he was with someone like.. Her.

Dylan frowned and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Rebecca, I'm not yours and you are not mine. You really need to get that through your thick head." He stated, pulling me into his side.

I licked my lips and pressed myself further into his side. I didn't know what else to do. There was Dylan and then Rebecca. Who's bad side did I want to end up On?

She looked at me again, glaring daggers once again. "You are going to regret this." She told me before turning and walking away, her fancy heels clicking the whole way.

Jason looked down at the ground and bit down on his lip to try and stop himself from laughing. Dylan on the other hand just let his laughter free, enjoying this moment.

I stood there completely baffled. They obviously didn't realize what could happen now that I had made some sort of enemy. Maybe they just didn't see it like that.

Dylan looked down at me and smiled even more as if reading my thoughts. "Don't worry about her. I wouldn't." He stated.

Jason nodded in agreement, holding back his laughter for a moment so he could speak. "She wouldn't do anything if it risked breaking a finger nail."

This made me smile and I couldn't help but feel that maybe I belonged here with them. For once in my life I finally had a place and I was happy with that.

With years of pain and sorrow I was finally getting a glimpse of what I could have in my future. I didn't think that I would be able to have it, especially with these boys but it seemed that I might be wrong.



What do you think Rebecca's going to do?

Do you think Dylan believes Arabella's whole 'stress' situation?

Do you think she'll risk disobeying her dad?

You'll just have to find out in the next chapter. Don't forget to leave feedback and don't forget to vote. It means a lot to me.

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