Chapter 3

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Jason Medro played by Benjamin Eidem


The drive was a long but joyous one. There was nothing to complain about, except for the fact that Jason could not hit the right notes even if his life depended on it. He would always glance over at me with a stupid grin on his face, purposely singing the notes completely wrong.

My voice sometimes rose up with his but not for the whole ride. Singing was definitely not my specialty. But driving was.

I took us down the back country lanes to escape the busy traffic up in the main roads.It would be a little wait, but a few minutes wouldn't hurt the challengers. A little patience would do them some good.

Me and Jason had been doing racing for years. At first we went to an illegal track, being the bad boys we were, but after a run in with the cops we decided to stay friends with the law. Neither of us wanted to have some jail time. Even if just for a day or two.

It took weeks of research, but we had finally found a place that was in fact legal. We, mostly me, didn't have to worry about getting caught by the cops anymore. There were cops at the racing track, just in case something went south. Of course, it's not like we would always play by the rules. A little bending of the law never hurt anyone, right?

Bets had to be kept down low but it was quite easy to fake the amount of money being given. Everyone knew the money being bet was much higher then what appeared. They didn't care though, as long as their racer won and they got the money they were promised.

It wasn't long until I pulled into the back entrance for the track. Not many people were back here,  which was a good thing. Getting up to the actual track wouldn't be a problem. Jason turned down the music as we pulled up the the betting station, an old friend of mine, Jackson, ready to take our bet.

The older male was sporting a fancy navy blue suit today, something that I had never seen on him before. He was always one to dress like that for the races. In his eyes it attracted the girls looking all suave and professional like that. Wish I could say the same for me.

I rolled the window down and handed Jackson the envelope my father had given me. He clicked his tongue and went through the envelope, making sure there was enough money there to enter the race.

"Perfect as always there Dylan. I can always count on you to make sure of that." Jackson stated, happy with the amount that was in the white envelope.

"I'd never want to disappoint." I answered, chuckling My arm rested out the window.

Jason waved to Jackson as the male stuck his head inside the window. "Oh, can't forget you can I Jason? How are you?" He greeted to which Jason started laughing.

"Always so formal. You can cut that crap with me there bud." Jason pointed out. Jackson just shook his head, laughing at Jason's comment.

"Just head on up to the starting point. We already have a challenger ready for you." Jackson told us, pointing to the white Chevrolet Corvette at the starting point.

I narrowed my eyes, what was a car like that doing up there? How someone ended up here with a car that wasn't only fast, but pretty rare in the area was beyond me. It was always nice to have a good challenge though, especially here.

"Who is it?" I inquired, still studying the car. There was no license plate, no stickers. There wasn't even a scratch on the paint that was visible from here. It was impossible to say that this car had ever been through a race, much less been driven.

Jackson smirked and stepped back from the car, giving me a funny look. "That, my boys you'll have to find out on your own." And with that, he turned on his heel, heading back to the little building off to the side.

 For a moment, Jason and me simply stared at each other. Suddenly, he started cracking up, his laughter filling the car,  with me joining him soon after.

"He's kidding right?" Jason finally spoke, looking out his window at the car waiting at the starting line. This had never happened before. In every single race we had ever been in, we were always told who we were racing. It was just how it worked.

I was quite skeptical as I advanced farther into the track, pulling up beside the white car. The windows were tinted on all sides. There was no seeing through the glass here. The driver and possibly passenger were completely out of our view.

Jason rolled down the passenger window and let me lean across, waving for the corvette to roll down their window. There was nothing except for the sound of the engine firing up.

I could only glare back at the car, rolling my window up and gripping both hands tightly onto the steering wheel. There was no words to explain what was going on anymore. I stared straight ahead, my eyes narrowed. I reminded myself to stay focused. I was going to win, just like always

I didn't hear Jason's words of encouragement. The only sound I heard was the countdown before the gun was fired, my foot pressed to the floor as my mustang shot forward.



I know normal racing circumstances. I know how it all works, but under my roof it was entirely different.

Don't get caught up in the meeting of your challenger. There is a high chance that you will never speak to them again after the race, so why not just skip the formalities?

We didn't need to talk or anything. At least that was what my father believed.  I'll probably feel less bad if I don't see them first.

But when he rolled down his window and waved for me to do the same, I almost did. Even through the tinted glass it was like he was looking directly into my eyes, knowing where I was.

I could see the moment when he realized I wasn't up for talking, his dark eyes changing to a more colder shade. And then he was gone, pulling back to sit properly.

My knuckles turned white, the steering wheel tight in my grip. 'Focus on the drive. Let no one get in your way.' I flinched as his voice echoed in my mind. 

This boy had no idea what he was in for.


°Dylan Garcia°

"No way!" Jason  exclaimed, staring wide eyed at the white Corvette in front of us. The car that crossed the finish line before we did.

I clenched my jaw at the thought of it. There was no way we had been beat. We hardly ever lost in a race. Even the crowd was in utter shock. There was no telling what had just went down.

Every single person sitting there in the stands just witnessed us losing to the first timer. This car had never been here before and they won on their first try. Sure It was a fast car, but the win was still in my favor.

"How.." Jason trailed off, unable to finish his sentence. We were both speechless.

I didn't move to get out of my car. I instead looked over, intending to see who claimed the money. A much older man was waiting there, the winning bet in his hand. He looked to be in his late forties.

He shook Jackson's hand before looking over to the white Corvette. His gaze hardened and he nodded stiffly. Even with the win he still looked very disappointed with whoever was driving.

My eyes widened in astonishment as a brunette stepped out of the drivers side. Just like in the coffee shop, her amber eyes met with mine for a brief moment before she set her gaze forward, swiftly walking toward Jackson and the other man.

Arabella Seto.

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