Chapter 10

103 9 13

:0 Two updates in two days????

°Arabella Seto°

"Dylan I don't think this is a good idea." I told him as he took my hand, quite literally dragging me over to his car.

I was only minding my own business when he pulled up beside me and decided it would be a good idea to take me to some sort of surprise location. Jason was there too, sitting in the passengers seat as he watched this whole exchange.

Dylan shook his head, opening up the backseat and giving me a light nudge. "Nonsense. You're not doing anything anyway, right?" He stated.

A soft frown made its way onto my face and I looked over at him, holding onto the edge of the open door but not actually getting inside. "No but that's not the point in the matter." I shot back.

He started laughing which made me extremely confused. Nothing about this situation was funny at all. At least to me anyway.

"You're not doing anything so you're coming with us. Besides I think you might actually like the destination anyway." He explained, leaning against the side of the car. "Now hurry up and get in. You are holding back traffic."

Against my better judgement, I climbed into the backseat as Dylan got behind the wheel again.

Over the past few days he's been coming around more often then not. I have yet to get in trouble because of it from my father but today would probably be the day. He was expecting me to be home and if I'm not, well, who knows what he'd do.

Still, it felt nice to think that maybe I could actually be close to a few people. They were great anyway.

"Good Afternoon Bella." Jason spoke up as we began to drive to wherever it was they planned to take me to anyway.

"Good afternoon." I responded, leaning forward slightly to poke my head between their seats. "You guys are seriously nuts. Did you follow me from my house or something?" I questioned to which Jason started laughing. Dylan just lit a cigarette and stuck it between his lips.

"Very funny." He chimed in after blowing out a puff of smoke. It took all my will power not to take the cigarette from him right there. He could at least offer if he's going to have one for himself.

"I think you might have forgotten that you refuse to tell as your address." Dylan added, Glancing over at me before focusing on the road again.

"I have a good reason for doing that!" I argued. "You guys like stalk me, I swear. I can only imagine what would happen if you knew where I lived."

Both of them began to laugh then. It was true though. They found me easily without even knowing where I lived. Them knowing where I lived would be horrible. Not only would they probably come over a lot but they might even find out my secret. I couldn't risk that.

They didn't understand how bad it was for me to being this, let alone tell them where I lived. They were desperate though, that I could tell. They had tried to follow me home twice. Of course they didn't succeed once.

It was nice to think that maybe I would have a small portion of freedom, even if just for a few hours it was better then nothing.

Dylan kept driving for a long while. We had both been down here many times before though. It was the way down to the race track. Maybe they just wanted me to show them how to become better? It was a strong possibility. Maybe a small session would do them both some good.

My thoughts were immediately replaced when I saw all the people at the track. None of them were sitting in the stands like usual but they were down on the track, walking around the cars that were parked around the whole track.

They were having a showcase here.

Not only were there cars from some of the races but there was also some older cars that probably weren't for driving, just for looks.

I caught Dylan's smile in the mirror as he saw the expression on my face. He had been completely right. I was loving the look of this so far.

We pulled through the front entrance to where everyone else was parked. Dylan hadn't even stopped the car before I was climbing out and heading or the open entrance to the track. Jason and Dylan were a little bit behind, having to run to catch up.

They came up beside me and stopped to look out at the large crowd that was moving over the track. There were many different cars around here and I was excited to see them all. Especially the older ones. The older the car the more it meant to me.

I didn't grow up like most of the other girls in this town. I didn't have a mother figure and I was taught in a more harsher way. Cars was the only thing my father would really let me get into. It was the only thing he wouldn't get mad at me for talking about it. It was something he loved which made it okay.

The older models I found to be more eye catching. There was a certain beauty that I just couldn't understand.

Dylan gave me a small nudge, urging me to move forward and I did. Of course the boys were not far behind me, just as eager to see what was on display today.

There were a lot of different cars to take a look at. More recent racing cars and more older ones.

The one that I loved the most was this Ford model T. The first car to be made. Considering how old it was it was definitely interesting to see how it looked practically brand new. Restoring cars was something I possibly wanted to look into when the further future came around. That seemed like it could be a lot of fun.

The model T wasn't the only thing that caught my eye. Their was also a 1982 AC Cobra, a 1961 Jaguar E-type, 1967 Maserati Ghibli and even a 1969 Ferrari Dino 246 GT. All of them were fully restored.

Dylan and Jason couldn't get over the fact that a knew about so many different cars, especially all the old ones. There were some that all of us gushed over but in my opinion they weren't as good as all the older ones.

Aston Martin Vanquish, Dodge demon concept, Lancia Stratos and even a Ferrari 812 superfast were all cars that the three of us enjoyed. Dylan mostly though.

I have honestly never seen him so happy before. His dark eyes were shining with the wonder of a child on Christmas morning. He caught me staring a few times and I looked away each time but could always see the small smirk on his face. He didn't seem to mind though and that was enough for me at the moment.

"We should pick something up from the vendor over there." Jason suggested to which I looked over, smiling before turning to look at Dylan.

"Because you kidnapped me," I started, crossing my arms over my chest. "I expect to get some cotton candy out of this." Dylan's lips turned up into a smile and Jason just shook his head a little, trying to keep back his laughter.

The dark haired boy wrapped an arm around my shoulders as he began to lead me over to the little stand, Jason not to far behind. "Only for you sweetheart." He winked, looking forward once again.

I wasn't uncomfortable being that close to his side. It wasn't the first time and I was sure it wouldn't be the last. Despite how Dylan acted towards others and the way he carried himself, he was actually really nice. Under his whole 'bad boy' exterior, he was actually really considerate at heart.

The two boys stepped up to take their order and I took the chance to look around at the cars set up around here. The one that really caught my attention was the white corvette not that far away from us. the plates were off so I couldn't tell if it was mine or not.

My suspicions were confirmed when he came around the side the car, talking to one of his friends beside him. I was frozen the spot that as his eyes met mine. He stopped speaking to the male beside him, his eyes hardening. This wasn't good.


Oh snap. Not a good day after all.

What do you think is going to happen next?

Who's perspective should I put it in next?

Jason or Dylan? Ya'll didn't know that was even a thing, did you?

Till next time lovelies :3

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