Chapter 15

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°Dylan Garcia°

Upon hearing where those bruises came from I decided to change course and bring her back to my place instead. I didn't want to think about what would happen if I brought her back to her place. anything was possible it seemed. 

I didn't turn around to grab my car but instead kept walking with Arabella in my arms. She continued to ramble on about where her bruises came from but I honestly wasn't listening. Everything made sense now. She was afraid of her father and that was probably the reason why she was the way that she was. 

It made sense that she didn't want to be friends at first. She was afraid to go against her father's word. In the end though she ended up going against her and look where it landed her. 

But what about Ryan? Where did he come into play? 

I interrupted Arabella from her ramble, asking her that question. She froze for a moment and placed one of her hands on my hand, running her fingers through my hair. "My dad hired him to make sure I stayed away from you. He's supposed to be my 'boyfriend'." She answered, rolling her eyes. 

She sighed softly and laid her head on my shoulder, burying her face in my neck. "I missed you." She muttered lightly, leaning against me more then she was before. 

"I missed you too." I told her, turning my head and kissing her cheek ever so softly.

Arabella smiled before closing her eyes. 

What was I going to do with her?


Upon arriving to my house, my mother opened up the door with a small frown on her face. "What happened to her?" She asked, eyeing the passed out Arabella in my arms. 

"Ill explain after." I said quickly before heading upstairs. 

For the second time now, I laid Arabella down in my bed so she could get some rest, covering her up so she was more comfortable. There was so much I wanted to do for her right now but I wouldn't be able to. I needed to take things slow, one step at a time.

I made sure there was a glass of water and some aspirin on the bedside table for when she woke up. God only knew what pain she would bee in when she opened her eyes. 

After changing into a pair of black sweatpants, I went downstairs to confront my mother. 
She was waiting for me in the kitchen with a glass of water of my own, a cup of wine for her. I didn't say anything about it though, taking the water and sitting down. 

My mother did the same, looking at me expectantly. " Tell me. Now. I want to hear it all." She demanded, leaning forward on the table. 

When it came to giving news I wasn't exactly one to beat around the bush. I typically got right to the point. That was what  I did in this situation. "Her father's abusive." I stated, taking a sip from my glass. 

My mother's eyes widened a little, almost in disbelief. "And she told you this?" She questioned, getting up from the table and pacing through the kitchen. 

I nodded again and sighed a little. "She was really drunk. I don't think she ever would have told me otherwise. I'm almost sure of it." I expressed, closing my eyes for a moment. 

"We have to go to the police." My mother said quickly, focusing her gaze on me. "We can't just let her go back to that house. Who knows what will happen if we do." 

She had a point there but I myself wasn't sure that was such a good idea. I mean, there had to be a reason why Arabella didn't turn her father in herself. She didn't take me as the type to hide something like that but then again I could be wrong. It wouldn't be the first time. 

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