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//Sorry to my unknown lover

Sorry I could be so blind

Didn't mean to leave you

And all the things that we had behind//


Chapter 2

Chapter two here, hope you like it. I'm really sorry, the previous chapter was quite short, i'll try to make it longer. I had already published about seven chapters of this book using my previous account and with a different title,but some complications arose and I lost it maybe changing the storyline and some characters, but we'll see how that works out.


Sydney's POV

Morning came sooner than I expected, I just wanted to sleep for some few more minutes, but if I gave into my cravings I will be late again. I lazily got out of bed and made my way to the bath to get ready for school. I washed my hair with my lavender scented shampoo and conditioner. After my bath, I felt much more better.

I wore a peach colored gloss, applied a tiny bit of mascara. I did not like going overboard with makeup or any at all but my besties back at my hometown claim I have small eyes and that the mascara brings them out, so I may have taken that advice. I wore a flair blue flowery printed gown accompanied with white flats and a red waistband to go with my red bag pack.

"Syd, get your lazy ass down here." Mia called from downstairs. Well there goes my peaceful morning. It is like she will never have a nice day if she does not break the morning silence. Mia dropped with at school again, and luckily I was early this time around. I made my way to my locker feeling familiar with the building and exchanged by books from the previous day to match my classes for today and made my way to my first class which happened to be mathematics again. I have not seen any of my friends since I stepped my foot on school property. I casually moved into the room with my head hung low, as I lifted my head, my eyes were focused on one of the ghosts from my past, the person I would not want to ever meet again even if I was faced with a life or death situation, yeah I know I am exaggerating but you get my point, I really hate her, McKenzie Knight, and to think we were ever friends. I really am cursed with bad luck or something along that line.

I decided to move to my seat quietly without anyone noticing, I silently thanked the heavens for not letting those really nice kids who think their obliged to greet everyone who goes through that door notice me.I was just five steps away from my comfort zone when my name rolled off some ones tongue with disgust. I did not have to turn around to make out the fake accent. I just stood there rooted to the floor waiting for her to get this over with.

"So little Syd just had to follow me all the way to NY", McKenzie stated rather than asked.

I was really never the one to talk back that was her thing back when we were still friends or so I thought. I did not want to make a scene and become the topic of the day or week or months in school, so I did what I knew how to do best. I ignored her and made my way to my seat. As long as we have been friends, I got to know one thing about her which did not turn out to be a lie like the rest, she loves being the center of attention even in the middle of a crisis and so ignoring her seemed to be the best thing at the moment.

As I took out my books from my bag pack, I got the clinging sound of nails on my locker, she never let's this get pass her, as I lifted my head from my books, I was faced with the Barbie doll and her pets. She has always hated the idea of being at the loosing end, even when we were friends, she always made herself better by putting others down, but I equally can not help always being at the winning end. I mentally had a big grin plastered on my face as I watched her get irritated over nothing as she stood before me. After what seemed like ages to me, she seemed to have finally realized that I was not going to utter a word, she started throwing all sorts of slangs around which I continuously ignored which seemed to rile her up even more.

She was about to hit me and I braced myself for the sting but it never came. I looked up to see Xavier's hand holding her wrist in a firm grip.

Way to go girl, 7 points for Mac and 20 for me, I mentally noted.

She had a look of shock plastered on her baked face, but I could not blame her, I was equally surprise by his action. I mean it is not like we were close or anything, but then he had a great timing. Mac who was embarrassed tried to cover it up with her flirtatious attitude by running her manicured fingers along his torso, with her other hand around his neck and he instantly pushed her away. I mentally rolled my eye at how pathetic she looked like right now, I wished I had my painting brush and canvas her to capture this moment. Trust me you would have loved to see the look on her face.

Xavier then directed his full attention to me, completely ignoring her.

"Gorgeous, can I take a seat next to you?", he asked with a dashing smile.

Although I was surprised by his actions again, this guy is just a basket full of surprises. I simply nodded and moved my things to make room for him and gave Mac a mocking smile. She then stormed off to her seat with her friends trailing at her tail like lost puppies.

We spent most of our time in class talking about little things, maybe to him we were getting to know each other, but I was not really into the whole getting to know each other thing. I think he got the hint when I started giving really dumb answers like saying yes or no to whatever he asked, but he kept on like he was trying to get under my skin and it may have worked, just maybe, and finally I was saved by the bell.

After all my classes for the day, I met with Diana, Xavier and Shirley. Our lockers were close enough. I exchanged some books before we decided to head out of the building. on our way out of the building, my books were knocked out of my hands by some guy, he actually did it on purpose as he stood before me looking at me with a bored look waiting on met to pick up my books which he knocked off my hands, how ironic is that?. My friends were out of sight . Great, where are they when I need them . I just stood there feeling intimidated under their predatory gazes, yes their, it was like some mini gang was right in front of me. The one who knocked my books of my hands steeped ahead "New kids, do not mess with old kids", he said in a flat tone before he turned around and left with his friends. I finally let out a breathe I did not know I was holding as my so called friends came into sight again.

"Thanks for the support guys, you really are the best of friends", I said with pure sarcasm. Xavier just responded with an apologetic smile . "You just met Reece McNally and his gang", Diana chirped in. Great, what is a typical high school life without the cool kids, bullies and the ones who get bullied, which in this case happens to be me. Great, I have not even been here for long and I am already on the wanted list of the school bad boys.

We just left all that behind us and parted ways. I went home with Diana as planned and we spent our time working on projects, eating junk food and watching sappy movies till it got late and it was time for her to leave.


This is it for chapter two. Hope you liked it, I will make them longer. You may not like it, it may be boring now, just wait till you get deeper, just keep reading.

-Dee is Diana

-Lee is Shirley

Also, share, vote and comment. Thanks


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