They propose

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He took you to the restaurant that you had your first date in, and acted like the complete gentlemen he always was. You got back to the New York apartment you shared when he popped the question as you were taking off your coat, and you said yes. Afterwards the two of you then cuddled on the couch together watching movies in your pajamas until you fell asleep.


It had been a long day at work, and the only thing you wanted to do when you got home was sleep. Natasha had other plans, and you saw as you walked in a trail of rose petals. At the end of it was your girlfriend, sat on the sofa with a stack of movies and some wine on the table. You forgot all about being tired when she proposed, but you did fall asleep half way through the first movie you watched, cuddled up with your bride to be. 


You kept insisting that he didn't need to spend his money on fancy food and presents for 'little old you', but he never listened. You were in an extremely expensive restaurant when he got up from his chair and got down on one knee. A heartfelt speech later and you found yourself sitting across from your new fiancee with a goofy smile on your face.


When he carefully pulled your blindfold off, your heart skipped a beat as you took in the view. Once you had found out that you were standing on the top of the Eiffel tower your knees went weak, and you felt as if you might collapse from happiness when he presented you with a ring and asked for your hand in marriage. To stop the moment from ending you took advantage of the surroundings together: watching the sun rise hand in hand.


You had been at the carnival for an hour, and most of the time had been spent by Bucky trying to win you a huge teddy bear.  You told him over and over again that you didn't mind about not getting it, but he refused to move on. It took countless tries and all of the money in his pocket, but eventually your boyfriend was handed the stuffed toy. After he proudly gave it to you he knelt down and took out a ring from his coat and gave a loving speech, and after you said yes you spent the rest of the evening eating candy floss and playing fair games.


It was Christmas morning and the pair of you were acting like children with your excitement. The sun hadn't risen yet, and you were both surrounded by piles of wrapping paper. You thought you were done with presents when she handed you one more small box, which you unwrapped happily. After opening it and seeing the ring she came up behind you and hugged you saying, 'marry me.' Needless to say it was your favourite Christmas ever.


You didn't mean to find the ring, but you were clearing out the chest of drawers and you saw the box. Happy tears were running down your face when Bruce found you, still on the floor surrounded by clothes. Even though he had wanted it to be a surprise, the moment was still as special as any other as he explained and you said yes and hugged him. Both of you ended up crying that day, and neither of you would trade it for the world.


You both sat on someones fire escape, eating club sandwiches as the cars zoomed past below you. The sun had gone down hours before, and your conversation was running into the night. Just as you took the last bite of your food a hard object tried to slide down your throat with it. Peter panicked and helped you to not choke or swallow the object and when you coughed it into your hand you saw it was a ring. He apologized again and again for the failed proposal attempt but you were too happy to care and just hugged him. 

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