Thor & Doctor Strange catch up Part 2

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Your family:


You had a boy first, and named him Adam. You weren't planning on having any more kids but a couple of years later you changed your mind had a girl, Charlie. They both took after Thor in their looks and behaviour, and you love your family more than anything.


It was hard to have children for you two but luckily after a long time trying you had a boy. It also took a while to agree on a name, eventually you settled for Tyler. Your favourite memory of them was watching little Tyler clapping in excitement as his dad showed him the 'pretty lights he could make with his hands'.

Dating them includes:

- Being very affectionate and loving
- Sending cute texts 
- He brings you flowers every week
- Cute af selfies

- Walks with his arm round you

- Going for drives in the middle of the night when you can't sleep

- He takes you to restaurants with the best 
- Forehead kisses

Your couples *thing*:


Whenever he is away he gives you a jar of kisses so you can count down the days with chocolate

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Whenever he is away he gives you a jar of kisses so you can count down the days with chocolate


You have a framed picture with your names in hearts and your wedding vows printed behind it

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You have a framed picture with your names in hearts and your wedding vows printed behind it

The snapchat they send you:



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Their contact picture in your phone:



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Valentines Day:


He took you to a little diner, one that you probably wouldn't look twice at normally. You were wary, but Thor promised you that you'd never get a better meal anywhere else. When you walked in and sat down at a table, he went over to the counter and asked for 'two of the usual' and then came to join you. A while later you had many plates of food on your table, and you couldn't deny that it was the best meal you'd ever eaten.


There was a carnival in town, so you walked round together during the evening. He tried the basketball game but got really frustrated when the ball kept missing the hoop, so he 'cheated'. (According to him if it isn't in the rules that you can't use magic it's not cheating). When it was fully dark he convinced you to the big wheel and you kissed at the top.

Your engagement photo:



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How they cheer you up:

- Gives you a dog to cuddle
- Will go and get anything you want/need

- Hugs you and lets you vent about anything
- Cooks you your favourite food

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