Your family

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You had two kids. The first was a girl that you named Holly, then 3 years later you had another girl, Emma. He was a great father, and took the girls out every week so you could have some relaxing time to yourself.


You mainly fostered together, but after looking after a little boy, Tommy, you both fell in love and ended up adopting him. She always got up in the night to settle him because he had trouble sleeping, so in exchange you did the school run and Nat got a lay in.


He was nervous about having children, but when you got pregnant and had a girl (Liza) he was the perfect dad and always found time to play or read stories. Even though he did spoil her sometimes, you loved their close relationship.


You had twin boys, Luke and Ty. You weren't planning on having any more children but four years later you got pregnant again and had a girl, Ellie. You weren't sure how he would react to parenthood, and he did have a rocky start, but it turned out great and he would do anything to protect his family.


You only really planned for two kids, and your first was a boy that you called Sam. When you when to the scan for your second child two years later you found out that you had twins, a boy and a girl. You named them Ben and Darci.


You actually already had a child from a previous relationship, but Wanda accepted him (Harry) as her own and ended up adopting him. They got on really well and had a baking day together every two weeks.


You always knew you wanted a full house, so you ended up with 5 children. The first was Lily. the second was Fred, the third was another boy that you called Callum, the fourth was Anna and your last child was Ollie. Even though it was hard to cope sometimes, Bruce was always there to help relieve stress and solve any arguments the kids had (there were many).


You had a girl first and called her Bella, and when she was 5 you decided to give her a sibling, so you had Joey. Peter wasn't always at home due to work, but when he was he'd make sure you and the kids had fun and played games together, and other evenings he'd just spent time with one of them while you were with the other. Though the nights were always reserved for you ;)

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