Valentines Day

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You were confused when you opened your eyes and the curtains were open with sunlight pouring in - it was normally dark when you woke up. Feeling refreshed from your lie in you got up and found a note from Steve saying had gone to the shops. When he got back you both feasted on the many pop tarts he had bought while listening to vinyl records, chilling out and laughing all day.


You wanted to surprise her with something special, so you set up a picnic at her favourite spot (a cut off part in a nearby park that was so well hidden barely anyone knew about it). So, to complete the amazing day you already had together, you took her to eat under fairy lights in the trees, with what can only be described as a feast that was tucked in a old fashioned hamper.


He gave you 'three wishes' to use whenever you wanted to have the perfect day - you could ask him to do anything and he would do it. You really tried not to take advantage of him, and ended up using your wishes to watch your choice of film or tv show, eat the last chocolate and get a neck massage at the end of the day.


You weren't sure what you were going to do for Valentine's Day, and decided to start by getting up early to cook a nice breakfast for you both. That plan was interrupted when you were woken up by a very excited Loki, and 'accidentally' ended up having sex (with cuddling in between) =all day.


He was as sweet and caring as always, but when you gave him his presents, he didn't have anything for you. 'I'm waiting till later. Trust me, it's worth it.' Was all he told you. Fast forward to the evening and you stood outside the car at a mystery location, only to find out he had bought you tickets and you were going to see your favourite band at their sold out concert.


You sat together cuddled up in blankets and cushions watching movies all day. When Forrest Gump ended you did a rock, paper, scissors to decide what to watch next, but that somehow turned into a pillow fight that crowned her the winner, meaning you had no choice in the next film. (Brokeback Mountain).


He took you to see a film that you were really excited to see in the cinema, and you both splurged on popcorn, sweets and coke to eat and drink with the movie. Afterwards you walked around, wandered into a few shops, and went to dinner at a nice restaurant.


He showed up at your door with a bouquet of your favourite flowers in his hand and took you shopping for the day. It got cold and started to rain, so he let you wear his hoodie, and when you went into a coffee shop he got them to sprinkle a chocolate heart on your drink

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