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This airplane absolutely SUCKED ......

The flight attendants came to my sit every five freaking minutes to ask me if I was okay and every time they did, I told them to f%$# off....

Okay maybe I didn't tell them that (xD) but still...... They should mind their own freaking business.

~ ~ ~ The atmosphere was unusually quiet for an airplane. There were no cries or screams from kids, no complaints from old people, no pissed off parents .... nothing....

Only that "sweet" silence.....

The silence that made me feel some kind of uneasiness , like it gave me more than enough space to think about what might happen these 5 months, what may go wrong and how I will deal with the pressure of losing that forgotten part of me... a part that I cherished and desperately tried to remember.

All of these thoughts weighted me down and didn't let me free myself from the past, from the images in my head that repeated the same old episodes over and over again.

That thing.... That thing that broke me and made me strip naked to my fears and weaknesses, was chasing me in my dreams, haunted me even In pure day light.

Taking a project that was as big as this one in such a short period of time was challenging, since i was well aware that I would have to manipulate and outsmart the s%$# out of everyone that tried to stand in my way.

But that wasn't the thing I was concerned for, I had no fears, I had no second doubts....

The only thing that was holding me back was.....

Making the same mistake again.


Rap Mon and Jin pleadingly listened to Kookie's words with full interest and concentration to what he wanted to say, because both of them knew that these fights behind their backs would make even deeper cuts if they knew about them...

Before Jungkook started talking, the blank expression on Jin's face was eye - catching from every angle...

He was thinking about Suga and the hardened look on his face right before he ran out of the house.

* I'm so sorry Yoongi, I take it back...*

The sight told him everything that he wanted to know, but the real thing that he was questioning was for how long he was able control himself before he totally lost his senses.

"Hyung is right now talking to him! A producer from America that agreed to work with us! As I understood him, he promised that he will work on our side to bring back the old BTS on stage!"

RM plastered a smile on his face while he looked at Jin with shimmers in his eyes. *Could this possibly be it?.* He rotated the widened look towards Hobi and Taehyung in disbelieve

Jin pursed his lips together and stared at Jungkookie in shock as this were news that nobody would've seen coming.

"Are you serious?! You better not be playing around?!".

"NO, NO, NO i'm dead serious! Jimin will explain everything when he gets back, they made him stay so they can make the arrangements !".

When he heard the last words from Kookie's sentence Tae's look was fixed on the sigh that warmed his heart. The corners of his mouth turned up as the view of everyone being so happy, and truly happy was overwhelming. The second he wanted to say something, Hoseok cut his words.

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