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- later that night...-

The traffic was awful that night....

Paths were blocked, streets were closed by the police and there could've been seen long lines of cars from one end to the other of the neighbourhood. It was basically a massive chaos of raging drivers and nervous people that went home after working those few extra hours.

Jimin was packing his backpack, as he was in deep though after the unexpected meeting he had.

Jimin's POV

*This was insane!!*. He repeated that sentence over and over , not letting a second to slip out of his head.

"How can a 17 year old help us?.Was this suppose to be some kind of a sick joke?. Have we really came to this?,Is this how rock bottom feels like?. UGHHH". He raged as he was opening the main entry door of the studio to exit and head back home after that mockery that he though was nothing more than just a suggestion to be burned.

~ ~ ~ To his surprise what was waiting before him was that chaos. He stopped walking the second he saw the crowed before him on the street. Basically there was barely enough space for him to pass, much less to take a taxi or go to the metro.

He whispered *Oh this is just fantastic!* as he was looking for a way or a loop to pass through the cars and get to the other side of the road, because he was already awfully late and was also exhausted from the hard vocal training and dance practices, added the diet that was *bullshit* since he didn't needed it .

Jimin managed to cross the road and started walking on the side walk, since his home was one kilometer straight ahead or so.

When he took his phone from the front barrier of his backpack, the first thing he saw when he unlocked it was Tae's message.

" A video chat really?" He muttered as he stopped walking and tried to get his headphones from the pocket of his trousers.

The minute the video finished, he stood shocked to Tae's immaturity, and replied to his message saying:

" You pabo... Jin will murder you if he sees this , such a shame lately i'm in good terms with him now isn't it? ;))".

Not a second passed as Tae's response cut Jimin's walk.

He saw the text and laughed manipulatively.

" Ayyy!! Chiminie!! Don't you even.... -.-"

He left him hanging on *seen*, because he knew that in there way he would never scared as hell.

Chim Chim was the one member that nobody could predict. One moment smiling the other crying, one moment happy other depressed and at last his famous mood swings from cute to hot and from * i would, to i would definitely not *.

Even tho he made him smile he still was worried. The thought of making a solo carrier for him was a boring concept, especially not after he was with them for almost 8 years now. He would never betray any of them, he would rather give it all up...

There was something about the producer, something familiar that he couldn't grasp. He was sure that he saw him somewhere but couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Jimin was a rational person by nature unlike Yoongi...

....who was a dreamer....

He was well aware that this was their last shoot, their last calling, because if this girl that he spoke of doesn't manage to save the situation it will mean the end to everything they achieved. And now that their on top of their game, failure wasn't an opinion. ~ ~ ~

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