Make Up

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I don't know why, but I was expecting him to text something. Anything, really. But that didn't happen, at least not yet, if he even was going to text me. Why am I even stressing about this anyways? Am I being paranoid just because he's best friends with my abusers? I don't know, but I decided to leave it be for now.

It was lunch now, period eight. I had gotten through English, History, Math, Science (which had both chemistry and biology), Gym (PE), Spanish, and Music. After lunch, I had French and then Art, and then I could leave this godawful torture chamber that normal people call school. During lunch, Samuel and his friends usually come over to my table of three and torment us until we just shut up and let them say what they want. They don't hit me because there are teachers around that could see, but he still curses me out, hoping I would break down under his words. I've only cried around him a few times when we were younger and he's tried to make me cry ever since. I guess he finds pleasure in other people's misery.

"So who was drunk and blind enough to fuck you last night, slut? Or did you use a doll? A dildo? Your own fingers? Are you that much of a loser that you can't find an actual person to fuck you?" Samuel snarled at me. I couldn't help but glance at Tyler, who sat across from me. He was dazing off in the other direction, not listening to a word Samuel or Lenny were saying. "Hey Sam," Lenny started, "why don't we carry this on after school when she walks home? Then we can really get to her." "Good thinking Len. I guess we'll see you after school, whore." Samuel said before walking off with Lenny, not paying any attention to how Tyler stayed seated.

"Why are you still here?" Allison asked Tyler tentatively, while he just sat and kept glancing around quietly. "I'm sorry for everything that they've ever done to you guys. I'm sorry for everything they've done to you, Jordan. You don't deserve to be treated the way you're treated. I'm not expecting you to forgive any of us, I just want to let you know that I am sorry. For everything. I hope someday I can make it up to you." Tyler rambled, then stood up and walked back to his table.

I was shocked.

"The bad boy, who, I have to say, is hot, just apologized and offered to make it up to you. The tall, green-eyed, brown-haired, dimple faced, strong-as-hell guy just did that. Holy guacamole." Allison said, as if I couldn't understand what had just occurred myself. "Damn." Liam added, just as shocked as I am.

Something had changed. I knew it.


The last bell of the day rung and I ran out of Art class and bolted down the stairs as fast as I could. Being petrified of hot, sweaty busses, I walked home every day or I got a ride from Allison or Liam. They had stuff to do after school so I couldn't get a ride. Unfortunately.

I tried getting out of school and down the street as fast as possible, but those football jockeys were right on my tail. All two of them. The third was a ways behind them, minding his business. "Get away from me, you freaks." I yelled to them, sprinting down my street. But they caught me. Lenny grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him and Samuel fiercely. "Look at what we have here, a little hoe just waiting to get beaten." Lenny said in an awfully disgusting manner.

"And look what we have here, the three stooges just waiting to embarrass themselves." I said and Samuel spat at me, luckily missing my arm with his disgusting spit.

"Hey, guys, maybe we should calm it down a bit. We've done the same things over and over since middle school. Don't you think it's getting kinda old by now?" Tyler said, finally catching up to us. "Why do you wanna stop, huh? You like this slut or something? You wanna bang her?" Lenny said to his friend. "Oh hell no, who in the world would do that? I'm just getting bored of her." He said lazily, though his eyes looked sympathetic. He looked at me and pulled Lenny's hand off of my arm. Before I ran away, Lenny punched me in the stomach and while I was hunched over, Samuel pulled my head up by my hair and slapped the side of my face. He let go, and I ran for my life.

Down the street, tears falling from my face and onto the cold, snow covered sidewalk, I turned into my driveway and opened the garage door quickly, closing it behind me and collapsing onto the floor. This is what I did after school when no one else was there to see me.

I walked into the bathroom, pulled out a makeup wipe and took off all the running mascara and the smeared lipstick. Samuel's slap left a slight hand print on my cheek. And there was a small bruise on my stomach from Lenny. I felt fine physically though.

As I was cleaning up my face, the doorbell rang. I quickly finished wiping my face and went to the door.

"Hey, I heard what happened. Are you okay?" Allison walked into my living room, shutting the door behind her. "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm used to it. But the weird thing is that Tyler tried stopping them. It was the most shocking thing ever." I explained to her as we sat on the couch. "If he didn't bully you for so long and he was actually nicer to you, I would say he likes you. But I know he doesn't, just because of everything that he's done."

A few hours later, when we had already eaten and  stuff,  Allison was passed out from eating too much ice cream and I was watching TV. My phone lit up, I had made sure it was on silent so that Allison could sleep. I looked at the notification and quickly pulled my phone up to my face.

Tyler texted me.

I opened my phone cautiously, as if he could pop out of the screen and start cursing me out, and tapped on his chat.

Tyler: Hey.

Myself: Hello..

Tyler: How can I make it up to you? Everything. Everything I ever did, everything they ever did, everything. What can I do?

Myself: Why do you even want to do anything to make me feel better? I'm a slut, remember? A whore, a hoe, a dumbass, a bitch. Why would you want to make anything up to me?

Tyler: I feel bad for the way I treated you.

Myself: Treat. Present tense. Not past tense. Because you're still doing it. And so are your jerk friends.

Tyler: Yeah, I'm sorry. Can I take you out some time? At least try to make you feel a little better?

Myself: And what would your friends do if they ever saw you with me? They'd tease me even more. Stop trying, Jackson.

Tyler: No, I won't stop trying. I am determined to help you. Accept my offer.

Myself: Fine. What do you want to do?

Tyler: Thursday, at six, I'll pick you up and take you to this restaurant I know. It has the best milkshakes ever.

Myself: You better not be late. Or else I'm not coming.

Tyler: Is that a yes?

Myself: Sure, whatever. *Some random address*

Tyler: See you then, Jord.

Jord? What did he think I was, a friend? Giving me a nickname. How foolish of him, especially him, the bad boy. People say he hooks up with at least four girls a week. And he throws a bunch of parties with alcohol and drugs and a bunch of other illegal stuff. I started texting Liam, seeing if he was awake still since it was 11.

Myself: Yo, Liam, you there?

Liam: Yeah, what's up

Myself: Tyler. He asked to take me to a restaurant on Thursday. Says he is determined to make things up to me. I said yes.

Liam: Be careful, you don't know if this is a set up or not.

Myself: I don't know, he seemed genuine. But I'll take your advice anyways. Thanks Liam.

Liam: Is Ally awake?

Myself: No, she's asleep. You miss her? ;)

Liam: Shut up. She doesn't know that I like her.

Myself: It's kinda obvious dude. No hiding it really.

Liam: I don't care, shut up.

Myself: Suit yourself, lover boy. I'm going to bed, good night.

Liam: Good night.


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