The Second

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"Jordan, slow down. Please" Tyler said and I stopped running. "What do you want to go on first? Besides me, of course." He said with a smirk and I punched his arm softly. "The huge swings! They're one of my favorites!" I said excitedly and we began to search for the swings. "This way" Tyler said, spotting the swings before I could. We started running to the swings, Tyler grabbing my hand while we ran.

We got up to the entrance line and thankfully it was short. "Come on!" I said while we were being let into the area where the swings were. I ran to one of the swings and got myself strapped in while Tyler did the same in the swing directly next to mine.

We waited for everyone else to get settled and Tyler started talking. "You look so happy." He said. "That's because I am." I said with a smile. "After this, what do you want to do?" He asked. "Funnel cake and drinks, then I saw a haunted house, and then you pick." I explained and then the swings started moving.

We turned in circles and we were lifted really high into the air. The swings kept getting close to each other so Tyler hit into my a few times and the last time they did, he grabbed my hand and we swung together. He smiled at me and I felt my cheeks turn a light shade of pink. Probably just because we were in the sun.

The ride slowly came to a stop and we were lowered onto the ground again. Tyler let go of my hand while we got out of the swings and then we went to a concession stand for funnel cake.

"I want funnel cake and a medium lemonade." I said to the cashier guy. He was cute and maybe two years older than me. "Sure thing, beautiful." He said and I smiled. Tyler cleared his throat and ordered his food. "Popcorn and a small lemonade" Tyler said, handing him $20 with a frown on his face. The guy took his money, gave him his change, grabbed a sharpie, and picked up a cup. He turned around for a few seconds and then started making our drinks while another worker make our food.

The guy handed me my drink and I looked at the cup. It said "I'm Carter. Here's my number" and a number was written on the cup. I looked up at him and smiled. "Thanks Carter." I said while Tyler got his food and drink and I got my food. We walked over to a table and I noticed that Tyler still had a frown on his face. "Why the long face?" I asked once we sat down. "Nothing." He said with his head down, not daring to look up at me. "Tylerrr" I drawled out and he finally looked up. "Do you take all your lovers here? Am I one of your little games?" I asked him.

His eyes shot open and he opened his mouth but didn't say anything. "Well? Am I just another girl that you hope you can bang?" I asked. "Jordan, no. Of course not. You're...different. Unique. Special." He said.

I doubt it.

"Alright." I said.

We finished our food and drinks and walked over to the haunted house. While on line, he started asking me questions. I answered politely and then I remembered something. "On our first date, you asked me who I like. And I answered. So, Mr.Jackson, who do you like?" I asked. He smirked and looked up into the sky. "I think you already know the answer to that, sweetie." He said, looking back down at me with that same smirk. "Um no I don't, that's why I asked.." I said, looking down at my feet.

The line started moving and Tyler never answered my question which annoyed me a lot and he knew that it did.

We got into the little chair thingy and Tyler pulled the arm bar towards us so that we could hold on to it while going through the haunted house.

The employee started talking on the microphone before the carts started moving. "Welcome to the most haunted house you will ever come to. Prepare to be scared out of your minds. Hold on tight, you've got a lot to worry about. Ha ha ha!" He said maniacally and with an evil laugh.

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