Trouble In Paradise

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I got up early today, feeling a little better than usual. I don't know why, but I just felt good today.

I decided to dress up a little, kind of. I put on high waisted black skinny jeans, a white crop top, and some black sandals (picture above). As I was coming downstairs to make breakfast, I started blasting my music throughout the house.

Fortunately and unfortunately, my song pauses and my phone chimes, letting me know that someone texted me.

Noah: Hey there
Me: Hey Noah
Noah: Need a ride to school?
Me: Actually, sorry, but I already have a ride. Maybe another time?
Noah: Sure, no problem. Who's your ride?
Me: Tyler..
Noah: Tyler? Tyler Jackson? Since when are you two best friends?
Me: We're not best friends. Barely even friends. More like acquaintances.
Noah: Okay. Well, I'll see you at school.
Me: Yeah.

I played my music again and finished making my breakfast when there was a honk outside my house from a car horn. I ignore it, but then it happens again. So I go onto my porch and see Tyler's car in my driveway, him in the drivers seat, just staring at me. "You getting in?" He yelled to me. "Dude, I'm not done getting ready. And school starts in like half an hour. You're so early." I said, walking closer to his car. "Well hurry up because we're taking the long way." He said.

I hesitantly walked back into my house and grabbed my bookbag, phone, earbuds, and the rest of my breakfast, and went back outside. I got into the passenger seat and waited for Tyler to start driving. But he didn't. Instead, he just stared at me.

"What?" I asked him and he quickly looked away and started driving. "Whatever." I mumbled, getting annoyed at how he keeps staring at me and not answering me.

"Are you okay?" He asked after a few minutes of silence. "No." I said, still not looking in his direction. "Uh what's wrong?" He asked, a little uncomfortable. "Nothing, it's whatever. I'm over it." I said, obviously not over it but that's fine. I didn't want to talk right now. And now my mood is completely ruined thanks to Tyler. I should've gotten a ride with Noah instead.

Before he even fully parks, I open the door and climb out, grabbing all my stuff with me and speed walking away from him. I go into the school, keeping my head down like I usually do, and head to my first period class. I sit down at my seat and wait for Liam to walk through the door.

Samuel and Lenny come over, about to start their daily routine, and I just sit there.

"So hows your boyfriend? I saw him drive you here today. You know he's just using you right? You're nothing but a slut to him. Dirty pig." Samuel said, pulling at my hair with every strength in his body.

He didn't even care that my hair was getting tangled in his fingers with every pull.

"Speak of the devil." Lenny says, and we all look at the door. Tyler walked in, saw me, looked away, and sat at his desk, minding his own god damn business. "What happened? Is he mad at you for being a fucking whore? Not surprised." Lenny said, pulling on my hair along with Samuel.

"You guys are so obsessed with her. I wouldn't be surprised if you're both madly in love with her and you're trying to convince yourself that you 'hate' her by calling her all these names and hitting her. Kinda pathetic, isn't it?" Liam said, bursting through the door and making sure he was loud enough that everyone in the room could hear him.

"You're like so wrong, nerd. My Sammy doesn't love anybody but me, so like, stop making up false rumors." Becca stood up and said. "How many times will you say 'like' in one sentence? Do you know any other vocabulary? Oh, I'm sorry, you don't know that word either. That's depressing." Liam said back to her and she gave him a death stare which didn't phase him at all.

"Everyone calm down and just sit." Tyler said, raising his voice. "Oh so now you're going to say something? Nobody even asked you a question this time and you just say whatever you want. Unbelievable." I direct at Tyler, standing up and putting my hands on the desk while locking my eyes with his.

"I asked you what was wrong but you said you were over it."

"Yeah well maybe I was lying!"

"Well maybe I wasn't being empathetic!" He quickly shot up out of his seat and slammed his hands down on the desk in front of him.

"The hell you were!"

"I'll just shut up and leave you to your raging hormones!" He said, finally sitting down in his chair.

I didn't have anything else to say. I stood there, mouth open slightly, everyone looking at me, waiting for me to say something. And then I look at Tyler who has this smug look on his face.

"You know what?" I say, grabbing my stuff and walking over to Tyler. I stand right in front of him and give him an evil smile.


My right hand collided with his left cheek, leaving a red mark on his face. He winced in pain and I stood up straight, looking down at him as he slowly looked up to meet my eyes.

"Rot in hell, Tyler Jackson." I said, walking out of the room.

I bumped into our teacher and she asked what I was doing outside of the classroom. "I just remembered that I have a doctors appointment for my broken arm very soon and I need to go now, sorry." I lied and she believed me so I signed myself out of school and started walking home.

A car started slowing coming up behind me but I ignored it and kept walking. It wasn't until the cars horn honked when I stopped and saw who was driving.

"Noah, hey! Why aren't you in school?" I asked him, walking closer to his side of the car. "I could ask you the same thing." He said with a smirk. "Would you like to discuss our absences over coffee?" He asked and I smiled. "I'd be delighted." I said, walking over to the passenger side door and getting in.

We drove in a good kind of silence to the closest coffee shop, which was a Starbucks, and we got out and walked into the shop together.

We walked up to the counter and started ordering. "I'll take a caramel macchiato" I said to the cashier and Noah said "I'll have an iced vanilla latte please."

Noah pulled out his wallet and payed for the both of us, which I thanked him for, and we sat down while waiting for our drinks to be done.

"So why aren't you at school?" I ask him. "I had to drop my little sister off at preschool because my mom was already late for work and I was fine with being late for one, maybe two, classes. What about you?" He asked. "Tyler didn't answer one of my questions that he's been dodging a few times and it got on my nerves and then a whole argument and he said he'll just leave me to my raging hormones so I told him to rot in hell." I explained, rolling my eyes.

We got up and grabbed our drinks and then sat back down.

"Sounds like trouble in paradise." He said.

"What do you mean?"

"You guys are fighting"

"Yeah, but why would it be in paradise?" I ask, genuinely confused.

"..because you're dating.." he said, kind of like a question.

"That's hilarious" I said with a laugh. "Why?" He asked, confusion laced in his voice now. "Because we're not dating." "Oh so you guys broke up?"

I rolled my eyes, "no, we were never dating. Where'd you hear that anyways?"

"A bunch of people are saying it. Becca, Samuel, Lenny, some of Becca's friends. I thought it was true." He said. "Well, they're all wrong." I confirmed and he nodded.

After we talked for a bit and finished our coffee, we decided to skip school altogether and hang out at Noah's place.


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