The First

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The walk home was fine, Allison and Liam already knew what I was doing, and all I knew was that Tyler was taking me to a restaurant. Where I have to eat. In front of people. As you can tell, my anxiety is through the roof right now.

"You seem anxious. Are you nervous about our date, Princess?" Tyler asked while looking at me and grinning. "I'm not nervous about our date." I said. "Then why do you seem nervous?" He asked. I opened my front door and let him inside. While putting my stuff down, I explained. "You're taking me to a restaurant, correct?" He nodded. "Earlier you were wondering why I don't eat at lunch. I am insecure about eating in public. I can't even eat in front of my family. I can only eat in front of Allison and Liam without getting or almost getting panic attacks so I guess I'm just nervous about going to a restaurant. And if I don't get anything to eat then it'll be considered as rude and then I'll be talking the whole time because I won't be stuffing food in my mouth and I'm rambling aren't I?" I asked him. He nodded with a grin on his face and I sighed.

"The kitchen's over there, you can help yourself to whatever. I'm going to pick out an outfit." I said. Before I could make my way upstairs, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him. "We can go somewhere else if you want." He said with a deeper voice than normal. "Like where?" I asked him. "Wait and see, Princess. Just dress nice." He said.

I squinted my eyes at him in suspicion, but went upstairs to pick an outfit anyways.

I found a black dress that was nice enough to wear. It had a spaghetti strap with a sweetheart neckline and it was tight, then flared out like a skirt at my waist and I picked out black heels to go with it. It was almost five (we get out of school at around 3:30) so I had two hours to do stuff.

"Hey my house is right down the street so I'm going to get changed and then drive over here. I'll see you in a bit." Tyler said once I came back downstairs. "Okay, bye." I said and he left. I started getting dressed, putting my dress and heels on, and decided to wear small earrings and a simple bracelet. Tyler got back to my house about ten minutes after I was ready. I opened the front door for him and he stepped inside slowly.

First, he looked at my face, his mouth forming a grin, then he stared me up and down, his eyes sparkling and his grin growing wider. "What's up, Tyler? Cat caught your tongue?" I asked with a slight laugh and he snapped out of his trace, still smiling. "Maybe." He admitted. I felt my cheeks get warmer so I looked away quickly and grabbed my phone, texting Liam and Allison that I was going out.

Allison: No kissing on the first date and no hooking up on the first date.

Liam: Unless you're like really horny, then it's okay.


Myself: hey, calm down. I'm not getting with him, and I'm not kissing him either. So don't kill anyone, thanks. I'll talk to you guys later. Byyyee

Tyler walked me out of the house, opened his car door for me, and helped me inside the passenger side. He walked around to the other side of the car and got in the drivers side. "You ready?" He asked me. "Yeah" I said and he started the car.

"So, we are not going to a restaurant, but it is still a fancy place so be on your best behavior." He said to me like I was a child. "Tyler, boys mature slower than girls do, so I think it should be the other way around. You need to be on your best behavior." I said. "Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Short Stack." He said and I rolled my eyes at the nickname he gave me. "What? You don't like that name?" He asked me. "No, I don't. That's called heightism. You're heightist." I said with a frown on my face and he smiled. "Okay, then what do you want me to call you?" He asked, looking over at me and back at the road again. "I don't know, something nice and kind." I shrugged. "Okay, sweetheart." He said and I tried to hide my smile.

Tyler turned a corner and I realized that I didn't know where we were. "Hey, where are we?" I asked. "We're in New York City." He said. I looked out the window and the memories of coming here with my parents and sister came back to me. "When are we going to be home? We have school tomorrow." I asked and he started shushing me. "Stop panicking, you're fine." He said, then smirked. "Literally." He added. "You're such a flirt." I said while rolling my eyes.

A few minutes later, we turned into a parking lot but I didn't see the front of the building. We parked and got out of the car and I quickly ran over to Tyler. The heels made me a bit taller but I was still shorter than him. "Where are we?" I asked. He ignored me and we started walking towards the front of the building. "Tyler where are we?" Ignored again. "Tyler!" I said and he finally looked at me. "Best behavior, sweetheart." He said and we kept walking. Before getting to the front, Tyler put my hand in his and I looked at him with a confused expression. "We have to look professional." He said with a slight grin but I really didn't care. I was close enough to him that it didn't bother me that much.

Once we got around to the front, I saw the sign. "We're at the Metropolitan Museum Of Art?! Oh my gosh, Tyler, thank you!" I said and I squeezed his hand in excitement. "Shh, calm down Princess. I know how much you love art so I brought you here. Now please don't act so excited and hyper." He said and we walked in. He signed in for me as I scanned around the room.

He walked over to me and said, "Well? Are you gonna just stand there looking pretty or are you gonna look at the art?" I smiled and started walking off to one of the pieces of art. We walked together, talking quietly about anything that came to our minds. "Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked suddenly. "What?" I said, taken aback by his question. "You have to have a boyfriend, how can you not have one?" He asked. "Why do you think I would have one?" I asked him and he didn't answer. Finally, he said, "no reason, just wondering."

I took out my phone because it buzzed and I started reading the messages.

Liam: Is he making a move?

Myself: What would be a sign of him making a move?

Liam: Getting closer to you, asking about your love life, flirting, all that kinda stuff.

Myself: He asked if I had a boyfriend

Allison: He likes you.

Myself: He said like how can I not have a boyfriend but I didn't know what it meant

Allison: he thinks you're so pretty that you literally can not be single still

Myself: but I am..

Liam: more of a chance for him to make a move.

Myself: no, he doesn't like me. He's just being nice.

Allison: Are you sure?

Liam: it's a guy thing, all guys do that stuff to a girl they like.

Myself: yes, I'm sure. Why would he call me all those horrid names if he liked me?

Liam: Okaaaayyyy, but don't say we didn't warn you.

We came to a painting with a statue of a girl and a man holding her up, kissing her. "That's cute." Tyler said. "That's Pygmalion And Galatea." I corrected him and he sighed.

I love correcting people. It's one of my specialties.

"I was describing it." He said while we walked. "And I was stating its name." I said.

We went through the whole museum, seeing every painting and sculpture there, and then got in the car, starting our journey back to my house.


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