school is a penitentiary, even though i didn't commit a crime

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a/n: hello boys and girls and everyone in between🤍
i am momentarily back, school has started and i am more stressed than usual lol it's fine, i also have some personal things happening so i apologize for the extremely late (lol six months late) publish.
so i hope you enjoy this chapter and let's hope that i post again in the near future.

"um... what just happened?" Tyler asked when i closed the door to my room and just stood there breathing.

"my parents want to kick you all out." i said quite plainly. his eyes showed how scared he was for his siblings but i couldn't bear to look at them. i felt like such a bad person. how am i supposed to tell him that his siblings can stay but he can't? where's he gonna go?

"i told them that you and spencer can find somewhere temporarily, but that Kacey and Lucas cannot go back to your parents." i explained and he hugged me so tight i thought i'd stop breathing.

"thank you so much" he said, his voice cracking in the subtlest way.  "you're such a good person." Spence said, joining Tyler in hugging me.

"Spence and i will find somewhere else to stay as soon as possible.  maybe they have some apartments somewhere, or maybe someone's renting out a guest room. we'll sleep in my car for tonight-" he started but i cut him off. "no, i told my parents to find somewhere else to stay for tonight. it's not fair for you guys to up and leave without any warning."

i felt like crying. i don't really know why, but i just felt so bad.

(time skip: 5 hours)

i woke up in the middle of the night, or maybe it was the morning- anyways, it was pitch black outside. i sat up in my bed, which i don't remember falling asleep in but whatever, and scan my room. it's a mess but i can't be bothered to clean it anytime soon. my eyes land on Tyler, who apparently fell asleep while sitting on the floor below my window.

i got up and walked over to him. i poked his shoulder until he, slowly, looked up to me. he smiled faintly and said "oh hey", closing his eyes to fall asleep again. "get in my bed idiot" i said to him. he laughed quietly but got up. he started to walk but started stumbling so i guided him to my bed. he flopped down and curled up under the blankets.

i started to walk away but he grabbed my arm to hold me back. "don't go" he said. "i'm just walking over to the other side of the bed." i responded and he let me go.

(time skip: 3 hours)

i woke up again, but instead to the sound of something falling. i shot up, looking for whatever fell, only to see Tyler trying to sneak out of my room but bumping into everything along the way. "need some help?" i ask. he turns around and says "i didn't want to wake you up but i guess i did anyways". i got up and out of bed, not really wanting to deal with school, or anything, today.

i made everyone breakfast and made sure that Lucas and Kacey were getting ready, and then Tyler and i drove to school.

"i'll see you later, okay?" he said and i nodded. i went off to class and linked up with Liam and Ally, who were holding hands and being a very cute couple. "look what the cat dragged in: an old, worn out whore." Lenny said, coming up to my desk. Samuel wasn't here with him, which was odd, but i just felt relieved.

"nice one." i said, yawning in between each word. i felt so drained and exhausted.

Lenny started to say something else but i cut him off, "can you just shut up and mind your own goddamn business for five fucking seconds? i mean, jeez, it's like you're obsessed with me or something. get your own life, man."

he looked at me with embarrassment and shock in his eyes. i guess he didn't expect me to talk back to him. kinda made a mistake with talking so loud though because the next thing said, by my teacher, was "go to the office."

i picked up my bag and made my way to the office, not really caring at all about the scene i had just made in front of my entire class. this day is just going great huh.

again, my apologies for updating so late after promising some sort of schedule lol

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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