4 | I Swear This Time I Mean It (✔ didn't need editing)

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It’s been three days since Tyler arrived at my house, now today. We’re at the beach. I stood up and dusted my butt off


“Where are you going?”  Lyric asked as she rose her sunglasses off her face, placing them on her head

“To the restroom, is that okay mother?” I asked joking around she snorted and slipped her sunglasses back on waving me off

“Yeah, yeah. Thanks for asking young one” she joked as I let out a small laugh and headed towards the restroom.


After I did my business I walked out while drying my hands off on the paper towel looking out at my friend’s, smiling at the sight of them. Lyric was tanning, Violett was in the water with the guy’s. I threw away my paper towel and headed back towards them

“There you are!” Violett said as I sat back down on my beach towel I smiled at her as Tyler and the guys walked over to us

“I was in the restroom, I didn’t run home or anything” I told her as I rolled my eyes as Lyric let out a high pitched squeal I blinked her way and realized what was happening, the guy’s were pulling us towards them giving us a wet hug and dragging us towards the water, I laughed at Lyric then I stopped as I looked at Tyler, he had the evil smirk on his face walking slowly towards me “No Tyler, don’t you dare” I said standing up and backing away from him

“You better run Charlie” he told me as I let out a squealed and started running towards the parking lot,  but I didn’t get very far. I felt his strong arms around my waist, pulling me towards him picking me up and running towards the water I laughed pounding on his back “TYLER PUT ME DOWN” I demanded I heard him chuckle and felt him shake his head. Then his feet were in the water “Seriously Tyler, don’t drop me---” I didn’t get to finish

because I was in the air then my head was in the water. I swam back up to the surface and saw Lyric glaring at Aaron and Violett was splashing James as she laughed, I looked behind me and saw Tyler standing behind me with a huge grin on his face

“I hate you” I hissed at him he chuckled and shook his head

“No you don’t, you love me” he told me I blinked  couple of times, my heart beat hitting each high note. I felt like I just got caught stealing some lip glass.

“Charlie?” I heard him said waving his hand in my face I narrowed my eyes at him and slapped his hand away from my face

“What?” I asked as Lyric calmed out with Aaron having his hand out in defences

“Y’all two ready to go?” James asked us I looked at the couple and nodded my head

“Yeah, let’s go” I told them as we climbed out of the ocean and started to get ready to go


I was slipping my beach towel over my arm when I heard Lyric’s and mine name being yelled I turned and saw Hunter Jinson coming towards us, I sighed I didn’t have time for Jace’s friend’s right now.. But it was too late he was now throwing his arms around me


“How are you Charlotte?” Hunter asked me I nodded slowly shrugging as he pulled away, I was great till he came over here, but I didn’t say that. I wasn’t going to be mean, I wasn’t a mean person


“Fine” I told him as I looked at Lyric as she hugged Hunter


“How are you?” Lyric asked as they pulled away he smiled at her and nodded (Hunter and Lyric used to date, he’s also one of Jace’s ex-best friends, by that I mean drama went down before Jace passed away)


“I’m great” he told us I nodded, of course he was he didn’t care at all once Jace passed away. I looked at Tyler who was staring bakley at Hunter “Who is this?” Hunter asked nodding towards Tyler I didn’t speak but Lyric did which made me roll my eyes


“This is Tyler” Lyric said Hunter smiled at Tyler and handed his hand towards him, Tyler looked at it

“Nice to meet you bro, I’m Hunter. I’ve known Charlie and Lyric for years” he said as I watched Tyler’s hand slowly reach Hunter’s and they shook hands

“So, anyways. The reason why I came over here was to invite all of y’all to a party tonight at my house, it’s going to be huge” Hunter told us I shook my head looking out into the ocean

“You know I don’t do parties Hunter” I told him in an annoyed tone I didn’t see if he made a face, rolled his eyes, shook his head, nodded his head or what. Because I was keeping my eyes on the ocean

“I know, but come on Charlie! It’s going to be huge! You have to go” he told me I rolled my eyes and shook my head, hell no was I not going to this stupid party “You can’t just stop going to parties Charlie” I heard him say I snorted and shrugged

“Already had buddy” I told him crossing my arms over my torso not taking my eyes off the water. Till he opened his mouth again

“You can’t just stop doing things all together just because Jace isn’t here” he spoke, he said his name. How dare he say his name! I snapped my eyes on him, daggers shooting out

“Don’t say his name!” I hissed at him as he ran his hand through his brown shaggy hair, he needed a haircut.

“Come on Charlie! You know it’s true! Every since Jace passed away you stopped talking to everyone and going to parties and just socializing” he spoke again, I was ready to choke him if he wouldn’t shut up


“Don’t. Say. His. Name” I said closing my eyes as I felt my eyes sting, I wasn’t going to cry.

“It’s the truth Charlie” he said “He wouldn’t want you doing this”

“How the hell would you know what he wanted and not wanted me doing?! You weren’t even his friend when he passed! Who saw him pass on while he laid there on the floor?! You do NOT have the right to talk about JACE! Don’t talk to me about JACE! Don’t even have his name in your nasty mouth! Because you are NOT worthy of speaking about him!” I yelled at him, eyes open daggers spilling out of my eyes. An arm wrapped around me as two big figures stepped in front of me and I felt salt in my mouth and I realized I was crying. I wiped away the tears fast but they still kept on coming

“Charlie, sweetie” Violett’s voice came out of nowhere I looked behind me saw she was the one that pulled me away “Oh, Charlotte” she said as she pulled me into her as I broke down right there, in the sand at the beach in Violett’s arms and our friend’s around us

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