18 | Hear You Me

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I picked up a french fry and threw it at Lyric as she squealed and narrowed her eyes at me as I gave her the sweetest smile possible she rolled her eyes and picked up the fry and threw it right back at me, I jumped into Violet’s arms glaring at the fry as Violet, James, and Aaron watched in amusement.


“EVIL FRY ON THE LOOSE!!!” I yelled as my friend’s burst out laughing, I looked at everyone and narrowed my eyes at them “I’m serious….” I told them which made them laugh more, I pulled away from Violet and crossed my arms over my chest like a little five year old girl and huffed out air. “Y’all are mean” I told them as Violet pulled me into her and hugged me as James put his fist in my hair “JAMES NOT MY HAIR!” I yelled my eyes widen as they burst out in giggles again as I pulled away and narrowed my eyes at James as he smirked at me as I fixed my hair “You’re evil” I told him pointing at him he rolled his eyes at me and picked up his drink and took a sip “Asswip” I muttered as Violet chuckled and shook her head as I sighed looking around and notice I was all out of Chocolate Milkshake, I make a pouty face and picked up my glass “I need more Chocolate” I told them all four eyes widen and they shook their heads


“No you don’t Charile” Lyric said I narrowed my eyes at them


“Yes I do” I told them and turned to Violet and James who shook their heads. I narrowed my eyes at them “Move” I asked they shook their heads again “Move, or I will move you myself” I threaten, their eyes looked at me in amusement I narrowed my eyes more. I was being a 100% serious, and this is what they give me credit for. I sighed shaking my head “Y’all give me no choice” I said then I began to push on Violet who landed on James, and James on the ground of Last Chance. I laughed and pointed and jumped up and started to dance weird. “Woooot!” I cheered as I made people look my way


“Sorry, she’s hyper. Too much chocolate” Violet said standing up, they nodded and went back to their own business as Violet dusting herself off then pulling out a hand to help her love, he sighed and took her hand and got up and turned towards me with narrowed eyes as I grinned at him


“Told ya to move brotha” I said with a shrug he took a step towards me as our friend’s and his girlfriend watched in amazement


“Charlie, you better run” he told me, my eyes widen and I looked behind him as my friend’s and saw they were biting their lips


“Are y’all going to help me out here?” I asked them, they looked at each other then back at me and shook their heads at me. I narrowed my eyes at them “Some best friend’s y’all are” I told them, they burst out laughing as I turned on my heel and ran out of Last Chance with James behind me. I laughed as I took a right turn towards the beach and headed towards the boardwalk and ran inside a small banquet shop with pink everywhere, two girls at the front counter looked up at me and rose their eyebrows at me. I pushed my finger to my lips and they looked at each other and blinked and shrugged and went back to a magazine as I hid behind a clothes rack


“Where is she?” I heard Aaron asked, I smirked and shook my head. They knew I would never come into a shop like this- to girly. “No, Lyric she would never go in there” I heard Violet said I nodded in agreement


“But she might be in here, she might think they we may not look for her in some place that she won’t go into” Lyric said. Dang, I forgot she could be smart.

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