Guardian Angel - Halloween

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I narrowed my eyes at them as I leaned against my locker, they wanted to go to a Hunted House on Halloween night. Are they that CRAZY?!?! I shook my head pushing myself off the locker and their eyes turned to me 

"No, we are not going to no hunted house" I told them they all groaned 

"Come on Charlie, it's going to be a lot of fun" Aaron told me I shook my head with narrowed eyes 

"Come on Charlie, if our boyfriends are dragging us there your going with us. Pulsing it's seriously going to be fun. You have to go. Please" Lyric said I shook my head again as Tyler's hand meet mine and my eyes landed on his blue ones and he smiled sweetly as my eyes narrowed more 

"Please babe, go to the hunted house with us" he said I shook my head again and was about to step forward out of the group to get to class before I was late till Tyler's grip tighten around mine "I'll be right beside you, I will hold your hand tight and I will never let go" he told me I stared at him and my heart fluttered I sighed running my hand through my hair then groaned, maybe I should get out of my shell and do this 

"Alright" I said giving up, everyone's eyes lip up 

"Seriously?" James asked almost in excitement I laughed a little bit and nodded my head as I pulled away from the group 

"Yesssss!" Aaron cheered popping his arm into the air I rolled my eyes and shook my head as my eyes landed on Tyler's, he was smiling at me and pulled me towards him. He placed his hand behind my neck and began to pull my head forward 

"I Love You" he told me I smiled as my eyes fluttered close 

"I Love You More" i whispered as our lips connected 

✝  ✝  ✝

I groaned as I sat in the passenger seat of Tyler's car as Aaron, Lyric, James, Violet in the truckbed in the back of Tyler's truck. Tyler looked at me in amusement then looked back towards the rode. We were on our way downtown towards where all the hunted houses were. I hated everyone right now. 

"Come on babe, it won't be that bad" Tyler told me I narrowed my eyes at him as I stared at his grinning face as he drove, I swear my friend's brainwashed him into agreeing to go to this thing. Because he would just give up and say 'Alright, we don't have to go' but nope, he didn't say NOTHING in those kind of words. He begged me to go. So here I am, in the passenger seat 

"Yes it will. And I'm going to blame all of you for my death" I told him, and just like that his grin was gone and his face paled "Tyler?" I asked touching his arm 

"Don't speak like that Charlotte" he told me I looked at him, I was just joking! I scooted closer towards him 

"Babe, I was joking" I told him "Figure of speech" I said with a shrug he shook his head as he looked at me then back at the road 

"I almost lost you once Charlotte" he started, my breathing became hallow when he  mention the accident "I don't want to lose you again" he told me and looked at me for a long second then back at the rode I reached over and placed my lips on his cheek

"I'm not going anywhere" I whispered against his cheek, I saw him shiver as I smirked and leaned back 

"Hey! No sex while driving!" Lyric yelled as she pounded against the back window 

"LYRIC!" me and Violet yelled, my eyes widen as Violet slapped her arm as Lyric threw her head back and laughed 

"JOKING!" she yelled back I rolled my eyes and looked at Tyler, pink was spread across his face. I giggled and traced my figures across his cheek 

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