10 | Get It Right ( ✔Edited)

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Ten -

It’s been three days after mine and Tyler’s date and I haven’t given him an answer. I mean don’t get me wrong he’s an amazing sweet loving guy and I would love to be with him. But I’m scared at the end of the summer we will break up and grown apart and he would find someone better where he was from and forget about me, I don’t want this to be some summer fling.

I was eating a piece of bacon when I heard his voice “Charlotte” I froze mid way bacon half way in my mouth and half way out of me mouth, but my heart was beating so fast I bet her could hear it. “Charlotte, it’s been three days since I asked you.. When are you going to give me an answer?” he asked once he sat down in front of me, I looked everywhere but his eyes, man why does his hand have to look adorable too? Ugh, no Charlotte this isn’t help. I looked at my bacon and sighed


“I still need some time to think Tyler.. I understand it’s been three days but you also have to understand I just lost my boyfriend since middle school last year. I’m still kinda coping to his lost. But I do really like you I just don’t know right now, give me some breathing room will ya?” I said as I rolled my eyes and realized that it sounded kinda rude. I bit my lip and looked up at him I saw him looking down at his breakfast and nodded slowly as Aunt Becca came and sat down beside us


“You know what? I’m not very hungry right now Becca. I’m sorry I’ll be in my room” he told Aunt Becca and took a glance at me and stood up and walked out of the dining room. I sighed dropping my bacon on my plate and put my head in my hands


“Sweetie, what’s going on?” my Aunt asked I looked up at her and shook my head


“I’m so confused Auntie.. Tyler asked me to be his girlfriend but I told him that I would have to think about it” I told her she gave me a small smile and touched my hand and gave it a squeeze


“Do you want to be with him sweetie?” she asked me I bit my lip, of course I wanted to be with him why would she ask me that? I was just scared that this was going to be just some summer fling to him. I nodded my head at her


“Yes Auntie I do. But I don’t want it to be a summer fling to him. I seriously like him. I haven’t felt this way after Jace…” I told her she nodded in understanding

“I understand sweetie, but I don’t think this will be a summer fling to him sweetheart. I think this is the real thing.” she told me and gave my arm a quick pat and picked up her fork and took a bit of her egg, after chewing she swallowed and looked at me and gave me a warm smile “Sweetie, all you gotta do is listen to your heart” I sighed and stood up placing a kiss on her cheek and smiled weakly at her

 “Thank-you Auntie” I told her she smiled at me and nodded as I climbed up the stairs and towards my bedroom and shut my door and locked it. I walked over to my bed and smiled in and pulled the covers up to my chin and decided to take the rest of the day, thinking and trying to figure out what my heart is saying.

An hour later I called up Violet and asked her if she wanted to go to starbucks or Last Chance. We decided Last Chance was the best option. We pulled up into the parking lot and Violet turned off her car and we headed inside Olive saw and and smiled and walked over to us

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